
 2022-09-08 11:09


摘 要




关键字:产品市场竞争 现金弹性 债务弹性 财务弹性

An Empirical Research on the Impact of Product Market Competition on Financial Flexibility


Since the 21st century, financial flexibility has been paid more and more attention by domestic and international scholars. Especially after the outbreak of economic crisis in 2008, in the face of greater uncertainty, enterprises pay more attention to their changing market environment and the ability to respond, the importance of corporate financial flexibility has become increasingly prominent. At present, there are still few studies on the influence of external environment on financial flexibility, and this paper hopes to supplement the existing literature.

This paper will use the corporate financial flexibility as the main research object, intends to find the product market competition intensity of the financial flexibility of the relationship between the size of the enterprise, so we use 2011-2016 China A shares manufacturing listed companies data, and conduct empirical research .First of all, we will be listed on the financial flexibility of listed companies in the form and the average level of initial understanding. Then we will analyze and evaluate the competitive strength of the product market in the manufacturing industry, Further we will explore how product market competition influence the financial flexibility. Finally, we will put forward some ideas on how to maintain financial flexibility.

Our study get a conclusion, the more intense the competition, the greater the amount of financial flexibility firms reserve, in order to behave better in the industry. that is, the greater the degree of competition in the product market, the higher the level of corporate financial flexibility.

Key words: product market competition cash flexibility debt flexibility

financial flexibility

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2研究思路与方法 2

1.3概念界定 2

1.3.1财务弹性 2

1.3.2产品市场竞争 2

1.4本文的创新点 2

1.5本文的结构安排 3

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1关于财务弹性的研究 5

2.1.1财务弹性的定义 5

2.1.2财务弹性的来源 5

2.1.3影响财务弹性的因素 6

2.1.4财务弹性的计量 6

2.2关于产品市场竞争的研究 7

2.3文献评价 8

第三章 理论分析与提出假设 9

3.1产品市场竞争程度与现金弹性 9

3.2产品市场竞争程度与债务弹性 9

3.3产品市场竞争与企业财务弹性 10

第四章 研究设计 11

4.1样本选择 11

4.2变量设计 12

4.2.1被解释变量 12

4.2.2解释变量 12

4.2.3控制变量 13

4.3模型选择 13

第五章 实证研究及实证结果 15

5.1描述性统计 15

5.1.1各行业描述性统计 15

5.1.2全部样本公司描述性统计 17

5.2相关性分析 18

5.3多元线性回归分析 18

5.3.1产品市场竞争与现金弹性 19

5.3.2产品市场竞争与债务弹性 20

5.3.3产品市场竞争与财务弹性 20

5.4稳健性检验 21

第六章 结论、局限性分析及展望 23

6.1研究结论 23

6.2相关设想 23

6.3局限性分析 24

6.4未来展望 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 28

第一章 绪论



2008年爆发的全球范围金融危机引发了中外大量企业的倒闭、破产清算,给世界各国的经济造成了不可忽略的负面影响,随着这次危机,国内外学者对金融危机的研究也越来越多,但多数都是从宏观经济的角度进行研究,近年来才逐渐有学者从微观经济的角度进行研究,他们开始关注经济大萧条对不同财务状况的企业所造成的影响是不同的这一问题,从而财务弹性得到了越来越多的关注。我国学者曾爱民在他的研究中提到,在西方财务弹性理论中,所谓财务弹性(financial flexibility)是指企业及时调用企业的财务资源,并用以预防或应对产品市场的流动性,抓住好的项目和机会,来实现企业健康生存发展的目的。



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