
 2022-07-07 10:07


摘 要




With the improvement of the economic level and the rapid development of science and technology, people's needs for a better life are growing. It has been put on the agenda that improving the quality of the environment and building an ecological civilization. Controlling pollution behavior and developing a green economy will become an important issue in the new era. Firstly, several concepts of the important terms in the text are introduced. Compared with the sewage charges system and the environmental protection tax law that China has successively implemented, we concluded that "taxes" are better than "fees" as well as the inevitability of "tax" replacing "fees". Due to the need of empirical analysis, we introduce the concept of quasi-environmental protection tax, which includes taxes with the function of environmental protection in China's taxation system. The analysis of the economic effects of quasi-environmental protection tax is the core part, consisting of empirical analysis as well as theoretical analysis. The empirical analysis is based on LI Shao-rong and GENG Ying’s national tax production function model. We select 31 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions from 2010 to 2015 as samples, and collect corresponding regional macroeconomic data and taxation data. Except from capital and labor factors, the technical elements are introduced to the model to quantitatively analyze the economic effects of environmental tax collection on the capital effects, labor effects, technical improvement effects, the whole economy conditions as well as revenue distribution. Several important results are concluded. Finally, according to the main conclusions, some policy suggestions on the collection of environmental protection taxes are proposed.

KEY WORDS: Environmental Protection Tax, Economic Effects, Empirical analysis, policy suggestion


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 文献综述 2

1.3.1 国外研究概况 2

1.3.2 国内研究概况 3

1.4 研究内容 4

1.5 研究方法 4

1.6 创新点和不足 4

第二章 概念界定 6

2.1 环境保护税 6

2.2 外部性 6

2.3 双重红利 7

第三章 环保税费 8

3.1 费改税 8

3.1.1 排污费制度 8

3.1.2 环境保护税法 8

3.1.3 “费”与“税”对比分析 8

3.2 准环境保护税 9

3.2.1 资源税 9

3.2.2 消费税 9

3.2.3 城市维护建设税和城镇土地使用税 10

3.2.4 车船税和车辆购置税 10

3.2.5 耕地占用税 10

第四章 环保税经济效应分析 11

4.1 理论分析 11

4.1.1 对资本要素投入的影响 11

4.1.2 对就业状况的影响 11

4.1.3 对技术要素投资的影响 11

4.1.4 对经济环境的影响 12

4.2 实证分析 12

4.2.1 模型构建 12

4.2.2 数据收集与处理 14

4.2.3 参数估计 16

4.2.4 结果解释 16

4.2.5 稳健性检验 18

第五章 结论与建议 20

5.1 主要结论 20

5.2 政策建议 21

5.2.1 改造准环境保护税 21

5.2.2 合理设置税收优惠 21

5.2.3 加大研发投入,鼓励创新 22

5.2.4 积极引进外资 22

5.2.5 提高监测技术和效率 22

5.2.6 建立环境保护税税款专项 22

致 谢 23

参考文献 24

绪 论





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