
 2022-07-07 10:07


摘 要


本文采用UCINET 6.4软件对问卷调查所得的社会网络数据进行整合处理,之后利用SPSS软件对领导者情绪智力和其咨询网络中心性数据进行回归分析,在此基础上引入受教育程度、性别和工龄这三个人口变量进行进一步处理分析。本文通过实证研究的结果对基于文献研究所提出的假设进行检验操作,从而得出以下结论:











Nowadays the research and application of emotional intelligence have gradually become the focus of attention in academic circles and corporations. And at the same time, organizations also pay more attention to the promotion of the leader’s own influence. And opinion leaders are the roles who have great influence in the organization. So this article hopes to explore the relationship between leader's emotional intelligence and the emergence of opinion leaders. In this article, consulting network centrality will be used to measure the opinion leader with the view of social network analysis. Based on the literature review, this article will propose the hypotheses of relations between emotional intelligence and opinion leaders, and the regulatory effect of the relevant demographic variables between the two will also be explored.

This study used UCINET 6.4 to analyze the social network data obtained from the survey, and then analyze the data in the SPSS software. Moreover, the relevant demographic variables such as education level, gender and length of service would be added to start further research. Based on the empirical analysis, the reasonable hypothesis which based on the document would be tested. And according to the processing results, this article thinks:

(1)The leader's high emotional intelligence can help him become an opinion leader in the organization.

(2)Gender has a significant regulatory effect on the progress of emotional intelligence helping leaders to become opinion leaders. In other words, compared with women, the high emotional intelligence of male leaders is more likely to help them become opinion leaders.

(3)Length of service has a significant regulatory effect on the progress of emotional intelligence helping leaders to become opinion leaders. In other words, compared with leaders that have shorter length of service, the high emotional intelligence of leaders that have longer length of service is more likely to help them become opinion leaders.

(4)Education level doesn’t have a significant regulatory effect on the progress of emotional intelligence helping leaders to become opinion leaders.

This study has practical significance. Based on the empirical results and research conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions for organizations and managers:

(1)Organizations should pay attention to the training of leaders' emotional intelligence to help leaders become opinion leaders.

(2)Organization could give the leader appropriate organizational leadership position based on the gender of the leader.

(3)Organizations should attach importance to and foster long-term members of the organization.

KEY WORDS: emotional intelligence, opinion leader, social network analysis, consulting network.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.2.1理论意义 2

1.2.2实际意义 2

1.3 研究内容和技术路线 2

1.4论文结构 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 情绪智力 4

2.1.1情绪智力的概念发展 4

2.1.2情绪智力的模型和测度 4

2.2 情绪智力在企业中的作用 5

2.3 意见领袖和咨询网络 5

2.3.1意见领袖 6

2.3.2咨询网络 6

第三章 理论基础和研究假设 7

3.1 理论基础 7

3.1.1意见领袖的特质 7

3.1.2社会网络与中心性 7

3.1.3咨询网络中心性与意见领袖 7

3.2 理论假设的提出 7

3.2.1情绪智力和咨询网络中心性 7

3.2.2受教育程度的调节效应 8

3.2.3性别的调节效应 8

3.2.4工龄的调节效应 9

3.3 本文的研究模型 9

第四章 研究方法 10

4.1 问卷设计说明 10

4.2 调研情况说明 10

4.3 变量的操作化定义及测度 10

4.3.1咨询网络的操作化定义及量表选定 10

4.3.2情绪智力的量表选定 11

4.3.3人口统计学数据的量表选定 11

4.4 数据整理与处理 12

4.4.1咨询网络中心性 12

4.4.2情绪智力 13

第五章 数据分析 14

5.1 情绪智力与咨询网络中介中心性 14

5.2 人口变量的调节作用 14

5.2.1受教育程度 14

5.2.2性别 15

5.2.3工龄 15

5.3 假设检验结果 16

第六章 研究结论与讨论 17

6.1 研究结论 17

6.2 研究讨论 17

第七章 贡献与展望 19

7.1 理论贡献 19

7.1.1进一步丰富了情绪智力的相关研究 19

7.1.2合理对意见领袖进行了界定和测度 19

7.1.3引入人口变量探究调节效应,为后续研究提供依据和方向 19

7.2 实践意义 19

7.2.1关注领导者的情绪智力培养 19

7.2.2适当根据领导者的性别,给予合适的组织领导定位 20

7.2.3重视并培养组织当中工龄长的成员 20

7.3 不足与展望 20

7.3.1不足 20

7.3.2展望 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


对情绪进行识别、调整、表达和利用的能力被称为是情绪智力【1】,自戈尔曼(Goleman)于1995年的著作《情绪智力》问世后,它已逐渐成为心理学科当中的主流概念,在理论研究和实践探索方面更是处于热点位置。【2】越来越多的研究表明,高情绪智力的员工在组织当中具有更强适应性,高情绪智力的正式领导拥有更强的领导力效能【3】,由此越来越多的学者和企业对情绪智力这一概念投入了更多的关注。但经过查阅文献,笔者发现情绪智力与组织中意见领袖的确立以及咨询网络中心性的相关关系研究还存在一定的局限性,学者们大多将目光放在情绪智力与绩效水平、领导力效能、领导有效性的关系研究上面,产生了丰富的研究成果与数据积累(Druskat, Sala, amp; Mount, 2013; Matthews, Zeidner, amp; Roberts, 2007; Mayer, Salovey, amp; Caruso, 2008),在情绪智力与意见领袖的关系方面存在一定程度的欠缺,因此本文希望着手这一部分的研究。


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