
 2023-04-02 07:04


摘 要





Biopharmaceutical credit financing of listed companies influence factors analysis, in jiangsu province as an example


In recent years, biological pharmaceutical industry development momentum is very strong, become a new force of the economic development in our country, bringing a large number of jobs and give investors a great economic returns.However, relative to the biological pharmaceutical industry development level good western countries, or at the start stage in our country.China"s biopharmaceutical industry financing difficulties, because it in high and high risk, which restricts the development of it.But in our country, biological pharmaceutical enterprise credit financing is mainly rely on bank loans.

Bank lending is generally good enterprise to large-scale enterprises or fact relations.And biological medicine enterprises are generally smaller and establish fixed number of year is shorter, relationship is not close, with the bank loan risk is big, Banks are hard to trust the enterprise.So for bio-pharmaceutical enterprises, bank credit problems has been difficult to progress.Therefore, to analyze the factors affecting the credit financing, to find a way to solve biopharmaceutical enterprises financing difficulties, so as to promote the development of biopharmaceutical industry good become an urgent problem.

This paper draws on the experience of the practice and research results at home and abroad, and combined with the actual biological pharmaceutical industry environment in China, from the Angle of biological pharmaceutical companies and Banks, this paper analyzes the factors which influence the industry enterprise credit financing.By assuming multiple independent variable factors and asset-liability ratio index to represent the enterprise financing ability, the relationship between operation and using multiple linear regression model to verify and corporate credit financing ability, the relationship between these factors and come to the conclusion.Find the defects existing in the enterprise in the credit financing process, and puts forward Suggestions to solve the problem of biological pharmaceutical enterprises financing difficulties.

Key Words: Biomedical;Credit Financing;Influencing Factor

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究的目的以及意义 1

1.3研究的内容和方法 1

1.3.1研究内容 1

1.3.2 研究的方法 2

1.4创新点和特点 2

1.4.1创新点 2

1.4.2特点 2

第二章 文献综述 3

第三章 我国信贷的运作方式及整体现状 4

3.1我国信贷的运作方式 4

3.1.1银行信贷 4

3.1.2银行信贷的运作机理 4

3.2我国信贷的整体现状 4

3.3小结 6

第四章 生物制药行业对信贷融资的需求及现状 7

4.1生物制药行业对信贷融资的需求 7

4.2生物制药行业信贷融资的现状 8

4.3小结 10

第五章 生物制药企业信贷融资影响因素的实证分析 11

5.1实证分析假设 11

5.2变量指标的选取 12

5.3建立实证分析的模型 12

5.4样本的选取和描述 13

5.5实证结果的分析 14

5.6 分析的结论 16

第六章 生物制药企业在在信贷融资中存在的缺陷及改进的建议 18

6.1生物制药企业在信贷融资中存在的缺陷 18

6.1.1生物制药企业规模小 18

6.1.2生物制药企业的银企关系不紧密 19

6.1.3生物制药企业的盈利能力较差 19

6.2生物制药企业信贷融资的改进建议 20

6.2.1提高生物制药企业自身的水平 20

6.2.2重视企业自身的经营信誉、保持良好的银企关系 20

6.2.3政府提供相应的措施 20

6.2.4银行的改进 21

6.3总结 21

参考文献(References) 23

第一章 绪 论





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