
 2023-01-10 08:01


摘 要






Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Financial Management of College Students" Entrepreneurial Enterprises


In the increasingly severe employment situation, many college students choose to start a business. As an important force, college students" Entrepreneurship appears on the social stage. Their expertise and background have gained a natural advantage. But college students also face many difficulties, such as financial management. As a result, many college students give up or fail to start a business.

This article mainly through the literature research method, specific case analysis method, starting from college students" entrepreneurship, analyzes the financial management difficulties faced by college students" entrepreneurship. For example, lack of financial management knowledge, weak awareness of financial management, non-standard financial management, lack of financing ability and investment accuracy and purpose, not too much employment experience and social experience and so on.

In this regard, this paper proposes to analyze and study the financial management problems that college students may encounter in entrepreneurship, strengthen the awareness of financial management, and enhance the financial management work standard system. Improve the ability of financing and learning investment risk management and control ability and a series of countermeasures and measures.

The significance of this paper is to provide help for college students" entrepreneurs by studying the problems and Countermeasures of financial management of College Students" entrepreneurial enterprises.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship of College Students;Financial Management;Standardized Management

目 录

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 研究目的及意义 4

1.3 研究内容及方法 4

1.4论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 国外文献 4

2.2 国内文献 4

第三章 我国大学生创业现状 7

3.1 大学生创业的背景 7

3.2 大学生创业的特点 7

3.2.1 思维活跃 7

3.2.2 热情高 7

3.2.3 多样性 7

3.3 创业遇到的可见困难 8

3.3.1 缺少资金和资源 8

3.3.2缺少经验 8

第四章 大学生创业企业财务管理问题 9

4.1 财务管理素质低 9

4.1.1 财务管理知识实践不足 9

4.1.2 财务控制能力薄弱 9

4.1.3 没有形成财务管理思维 9

4.2 资金融资困难 9

4.2.1 融资方式少 10

4.2.2 融资资金少 10

4.3 财务制度不健全 10

4.4 风险管控意识不足 11

第五章 如何加强大学生创业企业财务管理的水平 12

5.1 加强对财务管理重要性的认识 12

5.2提高专业知识素养 12

5.3 提高多种渠道融资能力 12

5.4建立科学的投资机制 13

5.5完善相关资金的管理和有效利用制度。 13

5.6合理安排收入分配 13

第六章 案例分析 14

6.1 案例背景 14

6.2 创业遇到的问题 14

6.3 问题分析 14

结 论 16

致 谢 17

参考文献(References) 18


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

据统计,到2021年,中国将有约874万毕业生。除了年初新冠状病毒性肺炎的爆发,就业形势非常严峻,就业最艰难的一年也成了2021年的代名词。面对严峻的就业形势和经济社会发展的需要,国家和社会对大学生创业进行鼓励和推广给予一定的政策支持,以帮助大学生实现就业、自我实现,进而实现自己的人生价值。一方面,大学生创业对学习感兴趣学生本身就是一个有效的就业渠道,帮助他们实现人生价值。另一方面,为了创造就业机会,我们应该实施“创业带动就业”战略它起着重要的作用。近年来, 为了鼓励大学生创业,各级政府相继出台了一系列优惠政策,包括税收、财政、创业培等培训和指导等。


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