
 2022-02-11 07:02


摘 要




In recent years, juvenile crime has become a small disaster of the entire international community. Emphasizing the study of juvenile delinquency phenomena is related to the future development of the country. This thesis expounds these problems from three related aspects. In China, the concept of juvenile delinquency remains unclear. This paper, including concept of narrow and broad sense, defined the range of juvenile delinquency and the distinction between the concept of crime current situation and crime prevention. In order to accurately prevent juvenile crime, the causes need to be clear in all aspects of juvenile delinquency,which are as follows. Firstly, social transformation period causes negative effects. Secondly, China's overall education resources are unfair distributed and educational environment is unsatisfactory which should be changed. In addition, negative role models of family members are brought on youth crime. The prevention of juvenile crime requires the full use of the role of all sectors of society, all aspects, multi-angle two-pronged approach. For example, in aspect of Public policy,government should play a important role to improve community service and rectify the cultural market. In the aspect of law, we should establish the juvenile delinquency prevention justice system. Schools should change the educational philosophy, and implement quality education to regulate the behavior of the teaching staff. In family, parents should set a good role model, change the way of education and so on. With the Cooperation of the whole society, the formation of long-term and comprehensive mechanism of juvenile crime prevention will be formed and young people will have a good environment for the healthy development.

Key words: Juvenile Delinquency; concept of juvenile delinquency; the causes of crime; Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency


前言 1

第一章 青少年犯罪问题的概述 2

一、青少年犯罪的概念 2

1、青少年的定义 2

2、犯罪的界定 3

3、小结 4

二、我国青少年犯罪的现状与特点 4

1、犯罪数量居高不下 4

2、犯罪主体低龄化、主体构成复杂化 5

3、犯罪行为暴力化、组织化与智能化 6

第二章 我国青少年犯罪的原因 6

一、青少年犯罪原因概述 6

二、青少年犯罪的社会原因 7

1、社会转型时期的负面影响 7

2、不良文化与恶俗风气的浸淫 8

3、恶劣的网络环境与网络游戏 8

三、青少年犯罪的教育原因 9

1、社会整体教育环境有待提高 9

2、我国学校教育体制的缺陷 10

四、青少年犯罪的家庭原因 10

1、父母的消极榜样作用 10

2、不合理的教育方式 11

3、亲情缺失的影响 11

五、青少年犯罪的个人原因 12

第三章 我国青少年犯罪的预防 13

一、社会预防措施 13

1、发挥政府职责,完善社区服务 13

2、整顿文化市场,建立监管制度 14

二、学校预防措施 15

1、转变教育理念,实行素质教育 15

2、规范教学人员,建立预警机制 15

三、家庭预防措施 16

1、父母树立良好榜样 16

2、改善教育方式 17

四、法律预防措施 17

1、完善犯罪预防司法制度 18

2、增强法律威慑作用 18

结论 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21





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