
 2023-07-05 10:07


摘 要

正当防卫制度是我国刑法规定的一项重要的制度,对于防卫人的防卫行为的性质是入罪或者出罪有重要意义。在我国1979年刑法中就有关于正当防卫的规定,经过修改后的1997 年刑法对正当防卫制度有了比较多的修改,放宽了正当防卫的条件,对于鼓励公民与不法侵害行为作斗争具有重要意义,从而保障了国家、公共利益及公民的合法权利免受不法侵害。然而,作为刑法中一项重要的制度,正当防卫的正当合法化根据又如何界定?学者们提出了各种理论以论证正当防卫制度的正当化依据,但对该题目还没有形成一个让大家普遍认同的观点。笔者在本文中将从下面几个方面对该题目进行讨论:首先,笔者将以德日为代表的大陆法系、英美法系以及我国对于正当防卫的正当化依据的一些主流观点进行评析,再提出自己的观点,本文认为正当防卫的正当化的根据主要在于个人权益的自我保护和维护法秩序的法的确证的有效结合,同时还要兼顾防卫者和侵害者之间的法益衡量的相对性,以该两个理由论证正当防卫的正当化根据。


The legitimation of justifiable defense

Qin Kun

(School of Law Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223001)

Abstract:The justifiable defense system is an important system in the criminal law of our country, and the nature of the defense behavior.Is the crime or the crime has important significance. In the criminal law of our country in 1979, there is the regulation of justifiable defense.The criminal law of 1997 has made great changes to the justifiable defense system, and relaxed the conditions of justifiable defense.The struggle with the ongoing illegal acts of infringement is of great significance, so as to protect the state, public interests and citizensLegal rights against the ongoing unlawful infringement. However, as an important system in the criminal law, the legitimate basis of justifiable defense and how to define? Scholars have put forward various theories to demonstrate the justification of the justifiable defense system, but the problem has not yet formed a common point of view. Measure of the author in this paper, I will from the following several aspects of the subject are discussed: first of all, the author will in Germany and Japan as representatives of continental law system, Anglo American law system and our country for self-defense justification on the basis of some mainstream views and assessment, and then puts forward his own point of view, this paper believe that justification of self-defense on mainly lies in self protection of the personal rights and interests and maintain the effective combination of the confirmation of the order, while also taking into account the defense and the infringement between the legal interest of relative, for the two reason argument justification of self-defense according to.

Key words: justifiable defense; justification according to law; legal interest measure; self protection

目 录

引言 1

一、正当防卫正当化根据之学说述评 1

(一)德日主要学说 1

(二)英美学说 2

(三)我国学说 2

(四)学说评析 2

二、防卫权和国家的刑罚权之间的关系 3

(一)自我保护 3

(二)法的确认 3

(三)自我保护和法的确认之结合 4

三、防卫者和侵害者的法益衡量 5

(一)法益相当性的厘定 5

(二)概念辨析 5

(三)理论分析 6

结语 6

参考文献 7

致谢 8









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