
 2022-06-23 07:06


摘 要




关键词:侵权责任法 患者知情同意权 实证分析 患者权利


The informed consent right of patients is an important part of the patients’ rights. Many countries are giving increasing weight to the protection of informed consent right of patients. China is facing a new type of doctor-patient relationship, and right infringement of informed consent dissension accounts for a considerable proportion of the huge number of medical disputes. After the Tort Liability Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated, there has been a strong legal support for the informed consent right. However, the law is still imperfect. Some problems have arisen in judicial practice.

Through an empirical analysis of related judicial cases, it can be found that the patient's near relatives often arrogate patient's informed consent right. There is also a controversy over the range and order of patient’s agent. Besides, it is not reasonable to identify a patient’s agreeing ability by the capacity for civil conduct, which weakens the right of minor patients. The court also lacks a unified standard of medical obligation to inform. In addition, when judging the legal causation, the court depends too much on the appraisement of medical damage.

Therefore, China must clarify the subjective status of patients in the informed consent right in legislation. Moreover, it can learn from the legislation and judicial practice of developed countries, taking into account the situation of patients and medical institutions, and then formulate the Law on the Protection of Patients’ Rights of China. In sum, China needs to improve the protection system of informed consent right in several ways.

Key words: informed consent right, the Tort Liability Law, empirical analysis, patients’ rights

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

前言 1

一、历史沿革 2

(一)知情同意权的源起 2

(二)我国知情同意权立法现状 2

(三)我国当前立法中存在的问题及争议 3

1、患者知情同意权的法律保障机制不成体系 3

2、患者知情同意权的权利主体不明确 3

3、患者知情同意权相关规定过于简略、模糊 3

二、实证案例情况及分析 4

(一)案例情况 4

1、案例来源 4

2、案例争议焦点 4

(二)实证案例分析结果 4

1、知情同意权的行使 4

2、患者的同意能力 5

3、医方的告知义务 6

4、因果关系的认定 7

三、对实证研究结果的批判性反思 7

(一)知情同意权的行使问题 7

(二)患者的同意能力标准模糊不清 8

(三)缺乏统一的医方告知义务标准 9

(四)缺乏知情同意监督审核机制 10

(五)因果关系的认定过度依赖医疗损害鉴定意见 10

四、关于完善我国知情同意权制度的思考 11

(一)明确知情同意权的理论界定 11

1、明确患者知情同意权的主体 11

2、明确知情同意权的代理行使范围及顺位 11

3、明确患者同意能力的标准 11

4、明确医方告知义务的标准 12

(二)制定单独的《病人权利法》 12

(三)完善知情同意医疗监督机制 14

(四)提高法院在裁判中的独立性 14

结语 14

参考文献 16

致 谢 17





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