
 2022-05-29 10:05


摘 要


关键词:生态环境损害 损害赔偿 赔偿制度完善


With the continuous strengthening of the construction of ecological civilization in China, the "green principle" has been added to the new "General Principles of Civil Law", and a series of issues concerning the ecological environment have also received extensive attention. The construction and improvement of the ecological environment damage compensation system is an important task and key link in promoting the reform of ecological civilization in China. This paper takes the compensation system for ecological environmental damage in Jiangsu Province as the research object, through the interpretation of laws and regulations, policy documents, typical cases, and combined with the views of scholars, analyses the current situation and existing problems of the compensation system for ecological environmental damage in Jiangsu Province in an all-round and multi-faceted way. Through comparative analysis of relevant cases of environmental damage compensation, as the main basis for building and perfecting the system of environmental damage compensation in Jiangsu Province, the innovation of this paper is that it can highlight the particularity of Jiangsu Province more intuitively by means of multi-field research in the form of charts and data analysis. Firstly, this paper clarifies the relevant concepts of ecological environment damage and the elements of compensation for ecological environment damage. Secondly, through the case study of environmental compensation in Jiangsu Province, the current situation and problems of compensation system in Jiangsu Province are clarified. Finally, the paper combines theory with practical experience, and puts forward suggestions to improve the system from the five aspects of consultation, litigation, fund management, appraisal and implementation, based on the actual situation of the province.

Key words:  Eco-environmental damage,Compensation for damages,Improvement of Compensation System

目 录

摘 要 I


一、生态环境损害赔偿基本概念 1

(一)生态环境损害的概念与特征 1

(二)生态环境损害赔偿的内容与构成要件 2

二、江苏省生态环境损害赔偿实证分析 3

(一)江苏省生态环境损害赔偿纠纷典型案例 3

(二)江苏省生态环境损害赔偿纠纷相关案例 4

(三)江苏省生态环境损害赔偿制度发展现状 10

(四)小结 11

三、江苏省生态环境损害赔偿制度的完善 14

(一)生态环境损害赔偿磋商制度的完善 14

(二)生态环境损害赔偿诉讼制度的完善 15

(三)生态环境损害赔偿资金管理制度的完善 15

(四)生态环境损害赔偿鉴定评估制度的完善 16

(五)生态环境损害赔偿执行制度的完善 17

四、结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19




“生态环境”一词在我国《宪法》第26条中提出,但学界对“生态环境”及其相关概念的含义争论颇多,对于法律意义上的“生态环境”也没有明确定义,一般都是散见在各个单行法、法规等文件中,采用有限列举、排除适用的方式,规定其适用范围。生态环境是个笼统的说法,泛指环境要素或生态系统,当我们谈论生态环境问题时,更侧重于它的生态系统功能价值。 [1]

对于“生态环境损害”的概念,在2018年国务院印发的《生态环境损害赔偿制度改革方案》(以下简称《改革方案》)中以有限列举的方式规定,[2]所谓“生物要素的不利改变”和“生态系统功能退化”,不仅仅涉及环境系统本身的损害,还囊括了与环境系统损害有关的人身、财产之损害。由此可见,“生态环境损害”是“环境损害”的子概念,对于此类事件,应总体考量环境、人身及财产权益所受的不利益,例如:造成环境、生命、身体、健康的危险,有威胁性的火灾、爆炸、水灾,或是人类、动植物经由水、 土壤、空气接触有害物质受到的危害,[3]并且加以区分和量化。


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