
 2022-05-29 10:05


摘 要


关键词:传统律学 法律解释 发展演进 现代意义


As a unique theory of legal interpretation in Chinese traditional society, jurisprudence has a long history. It originated in Qin and Han Dynasty, developed further in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, improved gradually in Tang and Song Dynasties, and revived completely in Ming and Qing Dynasties. At the end of Qing Dynasty, with the development of law revision movement, jurisprudence finally disintegrated and disappeared. In the course of long-term development and evolution, Chinese traditional jurisprudence has formed distinct local legal culture characteristics, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects: the fundamental purpose of jurisprudence is to maintain autocratic monarchy and stabilize social order; jurisprudence reflects the ideology of the ruling class; since Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty established the guiding ideology of emphasizing criminal law while neglecting civil law,jurisprudence has gradually formed the Confucian development road that combined etiquette and law. The emergence and development of thousands of years-old Chinese traditional law has profound social roots. The economic foundation of traditional self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy, the political system of autocratic monarchy and the profound influence of Confucian etiquette and law thought all provide important opportunities and fertile soil for the vigorous development of jurisprudence. With its superb legal interpretation technology and its legal connotation, jurisprudence has become an important part of China's traditional legal culture. And Tang Code is an outstanding representative of China's traditional jurisprudence, which marks the formation of the Chinese legal system. Chinese traditional jurisprudence provides a historical reference for the contemporary era and has far-reaching modern significance.

Key words: traditional jurisprudence,legal interpretation,development and evolution,contemporary significance

目 录

摘要 1


一、前言 1

二、中国传统律学的发展演进过程 1

(一)律学的产生和初步发展阶段——秦汉时期 1

1、秦律及《法律答问》 1

2、西汉时期引经注律 2

3、东汉时期章句律学 3

(二)律学进一步发展阶段——魏晋南北朝时期 4

(三)律学走向完善阶段——唐宋时期 4

1、中国古代律学典范《唐律疏议》 5

2、宋代律学的新发展 5

(四)律学发展完备阶段——明清时期 6

(五)中国传统律学的特点 6

1、律学集中反映统治阶级意识形态 7

2、律学发展以儒学思想为根本指导 7

3、律学具有明显的重刑轻民倾向 7

三、中国传统律学产生发展的社会根源 8

(一)经济基础 8

(二)政治体制 9

(三)思想前提 10

四、中国传统律学中的解释技术和法治内涵 10

(一)解释技术 11

1、文理解释 11

2、目的解释 11

(二)法治内涵 12

1、区分公罪和私罪 12

2、实施罪刑法定 13

3、贯彻矜老恤幼和同居相隐原则 13

4、属地属人兼具的国际法原则 13

(三)中国传统律学的现代意义 13

五、结语 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16





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