
 2022-05-29 10:05


摘 要




关键词:生前预嘱制度 必要性 可行性 宏观架构 微观设计


The living will system is of great significance to protect dying patients’ dignity, informed consent and autonomy. Since its birth, the living will system has developed rapidly on a global scale. At present, most developed countries have passed the law of living will system while our country has not.

It is imperative to construct the living will system in our country. In order to solve many practical problems, such as the imbalance of medical resource allocation, the tension between doctors and patients, and the lack of medical autonomy of patients, it is urgent for our country to introduce the living will system. At the same time, the expansion of social practice and the improvement of the legislative environment have made our country have the mature conditions to construct the living will system.

The paper constructs the living will system from both macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. From macroscopic perspective, this paper chooses to integrate the living will system in the Civil Code, and through the analysis of the provisions of the guardianship system of the general civil law, the provisions on the patients’ right of informed and decision-making autonomy of the Law of Tort liability, the Law on the practice of Physicians, the Regulations on the administration of medical institutions, conceives of ways to harmonize the living will system with other laws. From microscopic perspective, based on the experience of extraterritorial advanced legislation, this paper analyzes the elements of establishment, entry into force, saving, revocation, the mechanism of enforcement and supervision, legal liability, special provisions and so on, finally puts forward the legislative conception of the living will system.

Key words: the living-will system, necessity, feasibility, macroscopic architecture, microscopic design.

目 录

摘 要 3


一、引言 6

二、生前预嘱制度概述 7

(一)生前预嘱制度的缘起 7

(二)生前预嘱制度的正当性基础 7

1.现实需要 7

2.伦理支持 8

3.法律基础 8

(三)生前预嘱制度的域外发展 9

三、我国生前预嘱制度构建的必要性与可行性 10

(一)我国引入生前预嘱制度的必要性 10

1.解决社会问题的需求 10

2.保护医疗自主权的需求 10

(二)我国生前预嘱制度构建的可行性 11

1.现实准备 11

2.立法基础 12

四、我国生前预嘱制度的宏观架构 14

(一)立法体例的选择 14

(二)部门法之间的协调 15

五、我国生前预嘱制度的微观设计 16

(一)生前预嘱的成立要件 16

(二)生前预嘱的效力 17

(三)生前预嘱的保存与撤销 18

(四)生前预嘱的执行与监督机制 18

(五)生前预嘱的法律责任 19

(六)特殊条款:孕妇条款 19

六、总结 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24





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