
 2022-05-28 10:05


摘 要





By analyzing the deadlock of WTO appellate body and its reasons, this paper aims to break the deadlock and put forward corresponding Suggestions for the reform of the appellate body. At the same time with the WTO appellate body member selection deadlock and its reform as the center, further explores the WTO dispute settlement mechanism faces the dilemma and the reform.

This paper is divided into four parts. The first section reveals the deadlock phenomenon and impact of the appellate body. The second part explores the causes of the deadlock. The direct cause of the deadlock in the selection of members of the appellate body is the obstruction of the United States, the rule factor is the selection mechanism of "consensus", and the deep root is the fight between "power" and "rule" in the process of internationalization of the rule of law. The third part puts forward some opinions on the possible ways to break the deadlock of the appellate body. The moderate rule revision path represented by the EU plan and the Canadian plan is an ideal solution, but it is difficult to be implemented in practice due to the opposition of the United States. The radical reform plan is to start the "majority vote" to start the selection process as soon as possible, but there is a legal dilemma when it starts. The author's most respected plan is the third neutralization reform plan, that is, applying the "arbitration" procedure in article 25 of DSU. In the fourth part, the author points out that the reform of the appellate body should be taken as the starting point to realize the systematic reform of WTO dispute settlement mechanism.

Key words: WTO dispute settlement mechanism; appellate body; selection of members; reform

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

引 言 1

一、WTO上诉机构成员选任僵局及其对争端解决机制的影响 1

(一) 上诉机构成员选任僵局与停摆危机 1

(二) 上诉机构停摆对争端解决机制的实质性破坏 2

(三) 上诉机构的价值功能及其存续必要 3

1. 上诉机构的价值功能 3

2. 上诉机构的工作成果 3

二、上诉机构成员选任僵局的成因分析 4

(一) 直接原因:美国阻挠 4

(二) 规则因素:“协商一致”的决策规则 4

(三) 深层根源:国际法治化进程中“权力”与“规范”之间的博弈 6

三、破解上诉机构成员选任僵局与上诉机构改革 6

(一) 温和型规则修订路径:修改DSU积极回应美国的合理诉求 7

1. 欧盟方案 7

2. 加拿大方案 7

3. DSU具体修订建议 8

(二) 激进式改革方案:启动“多数投票”规则尽快完成遴选程序 10

1. 方案及依据 10

2. 法律困境 10

(三) 中和式改革方案:诉诸DSU第25条仲裁程序 10

1. 法律依据 11

2. 采用DSU第25条仲裁的合理理由 11

3. 适用DSU第25条仲裁的具体流程 12

四、WTO争端解决机制的系统革新 13

(一) 艰难的革新 13

(二) 中国提案与未来应对 13

结 语 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 18

引 言

自2016年美国阻挠韩国籍上诉机构成员Seung Wha Chang(张胜和)连任开始,美国一直持续性反对上诉机构成员的连任与纳新程序,导致WTO上诉机构面临成员选任僵局。面对这一问题,WTO各成员纷纷就WTO上诉机构改革提出方案与建议,但无一不被美国否决。目前上诉机构危机仍未解除,WTO争端解决机制这颗“皇冠上的明珠”也岌岌可危。WTO上诉机构的改革势在必行,学界有关WTO改革的研究初见硕果,笔者在汲取前辈经验的基础之上,对上诉机构改革这一问题阐发了自己的观点。


  1. 上诉机构成员选任僵局与停摆危机

世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,以下简称 WTO)上诉机构(appellate body)于1995年根据《关于争端解决规则和程序的谅解》(以下简称DSU)第17条第1款成立。[1]上诉机构负责审理专家组案件的上诉,可以维持、修正或推翻专家组的法律调查结果和结论;争端解决机构(Dispute Settlement Body,以下简称DSB)一旦通过上诉机构的报告,争端各方必须接纳。[2]因此WTO上诉机构又被称为负责解决成员贸易纠纷的“最高法院”。


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