
 2022-05-28 10:05


摘 要


关键词:物的担保 特殊性 独立性


Guarantee system is caused by transaction behavior, and also changes with the change of transaction demand. From ancient civilization to modern society, valuables have taken place of human's credit and become the core of guaranty. The collateral also gradually transforms from specific property to general chattel. In this process, the development of commercial activities plays an important role.

However, with the prosperity of commerce, traditional rules and regulations of civil guarantee is gradually not applicable to the guarantee in the commercial field because of the particularity of its subject and behavior requirements. The fundamental reason is that the profit-seeking requirements of commercial activities are different from the values of civil activities. After rational thinking, and combined with various comparisons, commercial subjects make guarantees in order to obtain huge benefits.

Therefore, factors as efficiency, interest rate must be considered in commercial guarantee. Correspondingly, in terms of legal rules, the provisions of commercial guarantee are different from those of civil guarantee. For the definition of guarantee liability and the recognition of guarantee effectiveness, different systems are needed to classify them. Under the background of the integration of civil and commercial affairs, Chinese Guarantee Law still has many defects. A reasonable and convenient guarantee system is an urgent need for the development of Chinese economy.

Key words: property security, particularity, independence

目 录

摘 要 ………………………………………………………Ⅰ

Abstract ………………………………………………………Ⅱ

一、担保制度的发展历程 …………………………………………………1

(一)民事担保的产生 …………………………………………………1

(二)现代商事担保概念的出现 …………………………………………………2

二、商事担保的法律性质 …………………………………………………3

(一)商事担保是商事主体提供的担保 ………………………………………4

(二)商事担保是为商行为提供的担保 ………………………………………4

(三)我国对于商事担保的规定 ………………………………………5

三、商事担保与民事担保的差异体现 ………………………………………5

(一)价值追求不同 …………………………………………………5

(二)法律规定上的差异 …………………………………………………6

1、商事担保形式非法定化,标的物类型更广 …………………………6

2、商事担保是单独行为,同主合同的关联性较弱 …………………………7

3、先诉抗辩权的适用 …………………………………………………7

4、商事担保的严格性 …………………………………………………8

四、商事担保在我国的法律位阶 …………………………………………………9

(一)我国《担保法》中商事担保的立法情况 …………………………9

(二)《担保法》在商事担保方面的不足 …………………………9

(三)民商合一下《担保法》的改进设想 …………………………10

参考文献 ………………………………………………………12

致谢 ………………………………………………………13




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