
 2022-05-26 09:05


摘 要


论文第一章展示了单身女性生育权受到的侵害,并从社会婚姻结构变化、保障女性基本权利、落实国家人口政策三方方面提出保护单身女性生育权的必要性。第二章从生育权 的基本属性和子女最佳利益原则两方面分析了单身女性生育的法理基础,进而指出在立法层面赋予单亲家庭生育权具备法理正当性。第三章聚焦单身女性生育权保护的法律困境,从家事法律观念滞后、相关法律规范缺失、已有法律规范冲突、相关法律研究力度不足等方面剖析了困境的产生及其深层次原因。第四章借鉴域外和我国港台地区的相关制度,探索我国单身女性生育权的开放路径。第五章从法律保障角度出发,从立法、司法和相关配套机制等方面,提出落实单身女性生育权保护的渐进式改革措施,从而建立完善的权利保障体系。

关键词:单身女性 生育权 儿童最大利益 渐进式改革


With the rise of feminism, more and more women don’t want to get married.They pursuing free-independent living, but would not like to give up the reproductive rights.Because of the lack of legislation and juristic inconsistency in our country, reproductive rights of single women are violated and a lot of legal and social problems are created.Aiming at this problem, this paper is about the discussion on the the problems and the current situation, the legal basis, legal dilemma, the comparison analysis and the guide of practice in five aspects and so as to analyze our country's present situation and propose the countermeasure.

The first chapter shows the problems of the reproductive rights of single women , and the necessity of protecting single female’s reproductive rights is discussed from three aspects on changes of marital structure and social structure, the protection of women’s right and the nation's population policy.The second chapter analyzes the legal basis from two aspects on the basic attributes of reproductive rights and children's best interests.And then this part indicates the legal principles’ of vesting single female with reproductive rights.The third chapter is focused on the legal dilemma of the single women's reproductive rights protection.And trying to analyze the profound reason of trouble from the lag of marriage and family legislative idea, the lack of correlation legislation, the conflict of the established law and the insufficient of research efforts.And chapter four explores the way to vest single female’s reproductive rights by using the experience of other countries for reference and borrowing the experience of Hong Kong and Taiwan in our country.Fifth chapter puts forward the progressive reform suggestions of protecting the reproductive rights of single women from the perspective of legislature, judicature practice and concrete measures.These gradual reform measures will perfect the law guarantee system of right.

Key words: Single women, reproductive rights, best interests of children, gradual reform

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

一、问题的提出 1

二、开放单身女性生育权的法理基础 4

(一)生育权的基本属性 4

(二)符合子女最佳利益原则 6

(三)赋予单亲家庭生育权的法理正当性 7

三、保障单身女性生育权的法律困境 8

(一)婚姻家事立法、司法观念仍受传统伦理观念的束缚 8

(二)我国相关法律规范的缺失 9

(三)我国已有法律规范的自相矛盾 9

(四)相关法律研究力度不足 10

四、我国单身女性生育权开放路径研究 10

(一)域外现有成果的开放路径借鉴 10

(二)我国港台地区现有成果的开放路径借鉴 11

五、落实单身女性生育权保护的渐进式改革措施 12

(一)婚姻家事等相关法律立法上的理念转变 12

(二)完善和细化单身女性生育权的法律法规 13

(三)促进司法实践的革新和相关机制构建 13

结语 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16


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