
 2022-05-25 09:05


摘 要


关键词:格式条款 法律规制 规范体系


The format clause is of great significance in transaction practice and contract practice, but because of its unilateral nature, it may also lead to violations of fairness and the contractor’s relative interests. Under the current legal system in China, although the format clause has been regulated through the provisions of the Contract Law and its judicial interpretation, the Consumer Protection Law, the Insurance Law, etc., the existing legal norms have a rule nature. Clear, contradictory, systemic and other issues. In the process of formulation, the current "Contract Law" draws on the advanced experience of the two major legal systems, and perfects many systems involving contracts. The format clauses also have basic norms. It also has an impact on the Laws of the Insurance Law and the Consumer Protection Law, which have been amended afterwards. The format clauses have been further stipulated in their respective fields, and the standard system for the format clauses has been initially formed. . It mainly involves prompting the obligation to explain, following the principle of good faith, the interpretation of the format clause, and the rules of the non-format clause. However, in the above rules, there are problems such as imperfect rules, contradictory rules, and confusion of law application. From the perspective of comparative law, foreign countries have earlier experience in regulating the format clauses through legislation, judicial and administrative methods. Through the observation of the regulation of format clauses in the United Kingdom, Germany and Taiwan, the rules of entry for the German law in the format clauses, The type and validity of the format clause, the double regulation of the prior law and the post-supervision of the British law, and the judicial supervision of the Taiwan law are worth learning from. At present, China has adopted various methods for the regulation of format clauses. Although it has begun to take shape, there are still many defects that need to be adjusted. When designing the regulatory mode of the format clause, we should adhere to the combination of ex ante review and post-examination, that is, before the format contract is concluded, it should be examined and approved by the administrative organ according to certain standards. After the dispute arises, the judicial organ To solve the double guarantee of contradiction; and to take multiple measures, to carry out special legislation on the format clause, the judiciary to use the law as the criterion for fair arbitration of disputes on format clauses, the administrative organs to use administrative power to manage administrative clauses, and to use public opinion supervision and industry self-discipline, With the legislative, administrative, and judicial cores as the core, the Trinity and other means have jointly established a normative system for the regulation of format contracts.

Key words: format clause, legal regulation, normative system

目 录

一、问题的提出 1

二、 格式条款规制的体系与不足 2

(一)我国现行法下格式条款的规范体系 2

1.提示说明义务 2

2.遵循诚实信用原则 2

3.格式条款的解释规则 3

4.非格式条款优先 3

(二)规范体系存在的问题 3

三、比较法的经验 6

(一)英国 6

(二)德国 7

(三) 我国台湾地区 8

(四) 总结 9

四、完善规制体系的建议 10

(一)立法层面 10

(二)司法层面 11

(三)行政层面 12

(四)其他方面 13

五、总结 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 17


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