
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 2

引言 3

1 材料与方法 4

1.1试验设计 4

1.2测定项目与方法 4

1.3模型检验 6

1.4数据分析 7

2 结果与分析 7

2.1不同播期小麦籽粒灌浆动态变化 7

2.2不同播期对小麦灌浆速率的影响 8

2.3不同播期的小麦籽粒灌浆曲线拟合 9

2.4千粒重与气象因子之间的关系 11

2.5千粒重与气象要素的回归模型 12

3 讨论 14

3.1播期对春小麦灌浆特性的影响 14

3.2气象因子对春小麦灌浆的影响 14

4 结论 15

参考文献 15

致 谢 18



(,China )

Abstract: The change of meteorological factors directly affects the grain weight of wheat. In order to study the effect of sowing date and meteorological factors on the grain filling rate of wheat, Jilin 24 was used as material, and 6 stage sowing experiments were conducted for 2 years at the agro meteorological test station of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology in 2016-2017 years (Q1:2016 March 29th, Q2:2016 April 5th, Q3:2016 April 12th, S1:2016 December 16th, S2:2017 January 13th,S3:2017 February 19th) ,measuring the grain filling rate of spring wheat at different sowing dates, and fitting the grain filling process by Logistic model, and investigating the effect of different sowing dates on the grain filling rate of spring wheat.The results showed that with the postponing of sowing date, 1000 grain weight of wheat grain first increased and then decreased, and the variation range was between 28.51~37.14g/ thousand grains.The maximum grain filling rate varied from 1.89~2.49g/d to sowing. The change of average grain filling rate was 0.98~1.15g/d. With the delay of sowing time, the period of wheat grain filling gradually increased, and the time length of fast increase and slow increase gradually decreased, and grain filling rate and grain filling rate gradually increased in the period of grain weight and grain weight. In the meteorological factors, the grain weight and the effective accumulated temperature (ΣT) during grain filling were positively correlated with total net radiation (Rn), and the regression relationship was: y=0.072Rn 0.017ΣT-6.15.

Key words: wheat; sowing at different stages; 1000 grain weight; grain filling rate



研究指出,温度对小麦籽粒灌浆过程影响显著[2],温度不仅影响灌浆速率,而且影响灌浆时间[3]。封超年[4]等研究发现,花后1~3d、5~7d、12~14d的高温,籽粒干重和鲜重的增长速率短时间内大于常温对照,但由于叶片光合产物供应能力的降低,平均灌浆速率下降,对最终产量造成显著影响。李永庚等人[5]认为,小麦灌浆期间30℃以上的日最高气温对千粒重有明显影响。Jones等研究认为[6],小麦灌浆期的适宜温度为20~22℃,灌浆的下限温度为12~14℃,上限温度为26 ~28℃。高温使小麦失水过快,缩短灌浆时间,降低灌浆速率,降低了千粒重。适宜的温度,有利于协调光和与呼吸的平衡,使小麦提高粒重[8]。昼夜温差大、天气晴好,灌浆速度快,小麦的产量也高,反之亦然[7]。温度过高(大于30℃),虽然灌浆速度进程加快,但随之呼吸消耗增加,终究不能弥补灌浆时间减少而造成的粒重的降低。在对小麦的灌浆研究中发现,不同品种的小麦粒重与平均灌浆速率、最大灌浆速率、快增期灌浆速率呈显著正相关[9],与渐增期的灌浆速率呈极显著正相关[10]

对于降水,张建平等[11]研究表明,当单一发育期供水量减少10~30 mm 时,干旱会导致小麦灌浆强度在正常灌浆后的第14~18 d下降,使小麦减产。有研究认为[12,13],充足的水分会延长小麦平均灌浆时间,降低小麦的平均灌浆速率,灌量过多则会显著减少光合碳同化产物向籽粒的分配比例[14]。而杨桂霞等[15]研究发现,灌水对灌浆速率的影响除了花后10d内,其后各时段均不显著。对于光照,一般认为,小麦灌浆速度与辐射强度与天气晴朗的程度和日照时间成正比。闫素辉等[16]认为,灌浆期弱光对灌浆中期的影响最大,显著降低灌浆速率和粒重。灌浆前期由于穗粒数的减少而对其影响较小。有研究表明[17,18],弱光胁迫下会因为花后干物质生产量的减少导致库建成受阻和库容量减小,干物质积累速率减少,不孕小穗数增多,粒数和粒重的降低。贺明荣等[19]研究认为,小麦生育后期特别是灌浆期,弱光胁迫使小麦功能叶光合速率下降,降低了灌浆速率,对小麦产量产生了显著影响。对于二氧化碳浓度,张凯等[20]研究表明,随着CO2浓度的增加,千粒重增加,最大灌浆速率出现的日期推迟,持续灌浆时间呈减少,最大灌浆速率升高,平均灌浆速率增大。


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