
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

1 引言 3

2 资料和方法 4

2.1研究区概况 4

2.2海陆风判别 4

2.3数据资料与方法 5

2.4基于站点的海陆风与温度分析 5

3 结果与分析 6

3.1典型日的海陆风基本特征 6

3.2典型日的温度场基本分布特征 7

3.3典型日的海陆风与城市热场之间的关系 9

3.3.1典型日的海陆风与城市热场的特征 9

3.3.2典型日的海陆风与城市热场的分布关系 12

4讨论 12

5结论与建议 13

5.1 结论 13

5.2 建议 13

参考文献 13

致谢 16



, China

Abstract: With the continuous development of coastal cities, people are paying more and more attention to the impact of urban climate. Therefore, it is important to study the distribution relationship between land and sea breeze and urban thermal fields in the context of weak atmospheric circulation, to identify whether land and sea breeze can improve the urban thermal environment so that the city’s microclimate can then be facilitated. This paper takes Jinjiang City as an example. Firstly, using site observation data of wind elements, combined with the conditions of land and sea breeze, we extracted and analyzed the basic characteristics of several typical land-sea breeze-sea-land breeze; and then used site temperature element observation data to select the three-day early morning. The data of different time periods in the middle and late nights demonstrated the basic characteristics of the temperature field in Jinjiang City; finally, the data of the wind and temperature elements of the land-sea breeze day were used to superimpose the two elements through Matlab, to identify the distribution relation between land-sea breeze and thermal field in Jinjiang city. The results showed that in the sea-land breeze day conditions in Jinjiang City, the temperature changes with the change between sea breeze and land breeze; the strength of sea-land breeze had a certain influence on the urban thermal field, and on the basis of the consistent distribution of time and space, the land-sea breeze weak area was consistent with the heat field strength area.

Keywords: Jinjiang; Urbanization; Sea-Land Breeze; Urban Heat Field; Spatial and temporal distribution

1 引言

随着城市化的发展,21世纪以来,国内外广大气象学家对城市气候学(Urban Climatology)和城市气象学(Urban Meteorology)的研究越来越重视,政府部门亦越来越支持[1-3]。在沿海城市地区,海陆风环流与城市热岛环流,二者往往同时存在[4-6],因而它们是相互作用的[7-8]:一方面,它们对城市气候有着较大的影响,是强对流天气触发的关键因素;另一方面,在空气污染过程中,对于污染物的传输与扩散往往起到较为重要的作用[9]

海陆风环流是一种重要的中尺度天气系统,一天之中,常常可以观测到离岸风和向岸风。产生海陆风的重要原因在于海洋与陆地这两个下垫面的受热不均匀,大气基本环流微弱时,在白天,吹海风,即风由海洋吹起向陆地;在夜间,吹陆风,即风从陆地吹向海洋[10]。城市热环境是近年来在研究城市热岛的基础上, 由环境和气象工作者提出并进而发展的概念。在现阶段,城市热环境并无统一的概念,但大致情况概括起来一般有两种:一种是以周淑贞为代表所提出的,他们认为热环境是城市空间内客观存在的热场,受到高温、高辐射影响,或者是高温与其他因素联合存在的环境;另一种则是柳孝图为代表,他们认为热环境是人对热场主观感觉,与人们生活的物理环境条件有关,风速、太阳辐射、空气湿度、空气温度等要素均会产生影响[11]。众所周知,沿海地区的大城市较多,且发展较快,故而在局地气象学(Local Meteorology)中一般起关键作用的是城市冠层,尤其在城市热环境中产生城市热岛环流(Urban Heat Island Circulation, UHIC)[12-16]时更能体现出这一点。城市热岛环流的源来自于城市热岛,城市热岛环流是大气温度水平变化的中尺度响应,与感热通量梯度[17]有关。形成城市热岛环流的原因与海陆风环流类似,前者是因为城郊温度差异所引起的,范围可以达到城市大小的2-3倍[18],属于城市尺度的中小尺度环流;后者则由海陆热力差异所造成的,属于局地中尺度环流。



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