
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 2

1.引言 4

2.材料和方法 5

2.1试验材料 5

2.2实验设计 5

2.3项目测定 5

2.3.1番茄生长指标测定 5

2.3.2番茄干物质含量的测定 6

2.4数据处理与结果分析 6

3.结果与分析 6

3.1高温下不同湿度对番茄生长指标的影响 6

3.2高温下不同湿度对番茄干物质含量的影响 8

3.3高温不同湿度下生长指标和干物质分配相关性分析 9

4.结论与讨论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 13



, China

AbstractIn order to study the effects of different humidity treatments on tomato seedling growth indicators (plant height, stem diameter, leaf area) and dry matter distribution of different organs (roots, stems and leaves) under high temperature, this experiment was conducted in the intelligent artificial climate box (TPG 1260, Australian) and agricultural meteorological experimental station with " jinfen No.5" as the test material. During the test, only one high temperature indicator was set:41℃/18℃(day temperature/night temperature), and three humidity indicators were respectively 50% low humidity, 70% medium humidity and 90% high humidity, with 50% humidity and 28℃/18℃ temperature as control treatment ( CK ). After 12 days of treatment at high temperature and different humidity, the plants were moved to the same environment as CK for recovery treatment, and the recovery time was also 12 days. Sampling and measuring are respectively carried out in the period of 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days during the treatment and the period of 9: 00 to 11: 00 in the morning of 4, 8 and 12 days after the recovery treatment, and 3 strains are taken as samples for each index, and data are repeatedly measured and recorded. The results showed that medium humidity and high humidity treatments were conducive to the growth of tomato plants in high temperature environment, and their growth potential was better than CK treatment. although tomato plants were growing under low humidity treatment, their growth indicators (plant height, stem diameter and leaf area) were significantly lower than CK, especially plant height, which was far less than CK, indicating that tomato plants grew poorly under high temperature and low humidity treatment. At the same time, the distribution of dry matter in different humidity treatments is also different, and in low humidity treatments, tomato plants tend to distribute to stems in the process of dry matter accumulation. Dry matter accumulation was more likely to be distributed to roots and higher moisture was more likely to be distributed to leaves under medium moisture treatment. In the recovery process, dry matter distribution under low, medium and high humidity treatment could be consistent with CK gradually, but the growth index was not always the same. In the process of recovery, although the growth rate of plant height, stem diameter and leaf area in medium and high humidity treatment slowed down, it was still higher than CK, but the plant height, stem diameter and leaf area in low humidity treatment

were less than CK. Therefore, increasing air humidity can effectively mitigate high temperature hazards at high summer temperatures and is beneficial to plant growth when humidity ≥ 70 %.


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