
 2022-02-06 06:02


摘 要

SDN(Software Defined Network,软件定义网络)是一种于近几年兴起的基于软件的网络架构及技术,理念是将网络的控制平面和数据的转发平面进行分离,通过编程的方式来控制网络[[1]]。传统的网络设备紧耦合的网络架构被拆分成应用、控制和转发三层的分离式的架构。







SDN is a new network architecture and technology based on software that rises in recent years. It is an evolutionary approach to network design and functionality based on the ability to programmatically modify the behavior of network devices, which brings sepration of data and control planes via a uniform vendor-agnostic interface. The coupled network architecture in traditional network devices is separated into application layer, control layer and forwarding layer. Because of the open northbound interface in SDN, the application softwares can manage and control the network flexibly and automatically. SDN can solve the problems that faced by current network system, such as limited resources expansion, poor networking flexibility and difficulty to meet service needs quickly. In this paper, based on the two data center of an operator, we launched a pilot project to study the appropriate way to use software and hardware implementations to build data centers in the form of SDN architecture.

Firstly, on the basis of fully understanding the background and requirements of the project, we investigate and survey the current platform situations of the two data centers, as well as analyzing the current topologies of networks and current services on the platforms.

Secondly, we should fully understand the scenes and goals of this pilot project. We have two pilot scenes, which are building virtual private clouds in a public cloud and scheduling and allocating resources between two seprate data centers in SDN architecture. Based on the two pilot scenes, we need to set up test environment and test these scenes.

Finally, we test these two pilot scenes through two software and one hardware solutions. The scenes include migration of virtual machines, the additions and deletions of CPU/MEM dynamically, etc. According to the actual conditions, we use actual business services in the two data centers to test the three solutions, and compare the performance and functionality differences among these three solutions.

Kyewords: Software Defined Network, network virtualization, data center, software solution, hardware solution.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 相关技术发展综述 1

1.1.1 SDN技术 1

1.1.2 云计算技术 3

1.1.3 网络虚拟化 3

1.1.4 SDN在网络虚拟化和云计算中的作用 5

1.1.5 传统网络向SDN网络的转变 6

1.2 本文的研究目的和主要研究内容 8

第二章 数据中心现网平台现状 9

2.1 A数据中心业务云平台现状 9

2.2 B数据中心IDC云平台现状 11

2.3 本章小结 12

第三章 工程试点目标和步骤 13

3.1 试点目标 13

3.2 试点步骤 13

第四章 试点环境搭建方案 15

4.1 整体系统架构 15

4.2 整体软硬件方案 16

4.2.1 软件方案 16

4.2.2 硬件方案 17

4.2.3 软硬件方案对比 18

4.3 试点方案 18

4.3.1 试点步骤总体说明 18

4.3.2 第一阶段方案 19

4.3.3 第二阶段方案 24

4.3.4 第三阶段方案 32

4.3.5 试点总结 37

4.4 本章小结 40

结论 41

致谢 43

参考文献 44

绪 论



近几年来,SDN(Software Defined Network,软件定义网络)持续升温。2012年,SDN技术被国际研究机构Gartner列为未来五年中IT领域内十大关键技术之一[[3]]。

SDN公认的发源地是美国的斯坦福大学,它起源于校园网,发扬光大于数据中心。2006年斯坦福大学研究生院的学生Martin Casado和他的导师Nick McKeown教授受到他们的研究项目Ethane启发,提出了OpenFlow这样的概念,用来对网络中的交换机进行集中控制,使得基于网络流的安全控制策略的定义变得更加方便,为了实现控制整个网络通信,可以把这些网络安全策略应用到底层的网络设备中[[4]]。


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