
 2022-10-02 09:10


摘 要

无线传感网络(Wireless Sensors Networks, WSN)是一种分布式网络,能够处理和转发来自底层传感器的大量异构数据。随着传感器和传输数据的巨幅增长,固有的WSN在处理巨量服务时面临着瓶颈。由于在保证服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)如网络时延、数据积压、抖动和分配带宽等以及管理本地数据和节点等方面具有高效灵活的优势,雾计算模式被视为未来WSN发展的趋势。它能够将云计算扩展到网络的边缘以及在本地对数据进行处理分析。然而,目前已有的基于雾计算的WSN架构主要部署在基站、网关等设备上,对于边缘性和本地性程度更高的下层节点,雾计算的关注较少。此外,雾计算具有内容感知能力,可以实现数据类型的分类。这对雾服务和QoS保证提出了更高的要求。另外,即使是相同类型的数据根据总体网络和本地设备状态的不同也会需要不同的网络服务。因此,如何设计一种更加边缘化的基于雾计算的WSN模型并在其中提供更为灵活、高效、控制力强的QoS配置机制变得尤为重要。

面对上述问题,本文提出了一种在基于雾计算的WSN中软件定义的QoS配置技术。首先,文章提出了一种层次化的基于雾计算的WSN架构,其中包括轻量雾节点和强雾节点两层带有雾计算模式的中继节点,从而将对QoS配置的控制从传统路由器延伸到汇聚节点中,实现更靠近网络边缘的计算和控制,并且屏蔽网络的异构性。其次,雾节点对网络状态进行异常预测并且主动提出QoS配置请求。网络的动态QoS配置通过软件定义控制器和雾节点之间的协作得到了保证。对于所提出的网络架构和QoS配置机制,本文利用OPNET Modeler10.5仿真工具搭建了对应的网络架构,并在其中实现了各节点的功能,验证了该网络模型和配置技术对网络延迟和带宽利用率的影响。




Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) is a distributed network that can process and forward a large amount of heterogeneous data from underlying sensors. With the sharp increase in the quantity of sensors and transmission of data, the traditional WSN is struggling with dealing with a large number of services. Fog computing is seen as a trend for future WSNs due to its advantages on ensuring QoS provision such as network latency, data backlog, jitter, bandwidtha nd managing local data and nodes. It can extend Cloud Computing to the edge of the network and process data locally. However, the existing fog-based WSN architecture is mainly deployed in base stations, gateways and other equipment, for the edge of the higher degree of local and lower nodes, there is less attention. In addition, fog computing has a content-aware capability that divides data into various types and thus has a higher demand for fog services and QoS guarantees. According to the overall network status and local status, even if the same type of data will need different network services. Thus it’s important to design a more marginalized fog-based WSN model and provide a flexible, efficient and powerful QoS configuration mechanism.

Faced with the above problems, this paper presents a software-defined QoS configuration technology in WSN based on fog computing. First, the paper proposes a hierarchical fog-based WSN architecture, which includes two levels of relay nodes as lightweight fog nodes and strong fog nodes with fog computing mode. It controls the QoS configuration from traditional routers to sink nodes, to make it nearer to the edge of network control, shielding the heterogeneity of the network. Secondly, the use of fog nodes on the network helps to predict network abnormal states and take the initiative to propose QoS configuration requests. The dynamic QoS configuration of the network is guaranteed by the collaboration between software defined controllers and fog nodes. For the proposed network architecture and QoS configuration mechanism, this paper uses OPNET Modeler10.5 software to build the network architecture, and in which to achieve the function of each node to verify the network model and configuration technology for network latency and bandwidth utilization.

In this paper, software defined dynamic QoS provisioning for fog computing advanced WSNs technology, realizes real-time prediction of QoS requirements and detection of QoS status anomalies in each node of the network, and designs a new way to dynamically generate new policies in cloud in software defined configurarion. The designed network architecture not only improves the control precision of QoS configuration, but coordinates heterogeneity and expansibility of WSN, which makes QoS configuration more flexible and efficient.

Key Words: WSNs, Fog computing, QoS, software defined network.

目 录

摘 要 I

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 无线传感网络 1

1.1.2 基于雾计算的WSN 2

1.1.3 WSN中的QoS配置需求分析 2

1.1.4 软件定义网络模型配置QoS的优势 2

1.2 研究工作及论文结构 3

1.2.1 研究工作 3

1.2.2 论文结构 3

第2章 国内外研究现状分析 5

2.1 无线传感网络及其服务质量 5

2.2 雾计算及其应用 6

2.3 软件定义网络及其在QoS中的应用 7

2.4 小结 7

第3章 基于分层雾计算的WSN软件定义QoS设计 9

3.1 网络整体架构 9

3.2 WSN汇聚雾节点 10

3.2.1 WSN汇聚雾节点结构 10

3.2.2 汇聚雾节点中数据类型的分类 11

3.3 WSN基站雾节点 11

3.3.1 WSN基站雾节点结构 11

3.3.2 网络QoS监控与异常检测 13

3.3.3 基站雾节点向SDN控制器的通信流表设计 14

3.4 软件定义QoS的控制器 15

3.4.1 软件定义QoS控制器结构 15

3.4.2 控制器中网络QoS策略的配置 16

3.4.3 控制器向基站雾节点的通信流表设计 17

3.5 小结 17

第4章 基于分层雾计算的WSN软件定义QoS的仿真平台搭建 19

4.1 基于分层雾计算的软件定义QoS传感网络架构 19

4.2 WSN中通信数据包格式设计 20

4.2.1 传感器发送数据包 20

4.2.2 QoS配置请求数据包 21

4.2.3 QoS配置数据包 21

4.3 底层传感器及用户节点 22

4.3.1 节点模块设计 22

4.3.2 节点状态设计 22

4.4 雾节点设计 23

4.4.1 汇聚雾节点模块与状态设计 23

4.4.2 基站雾节点模块与状态设计 24

4.5 软件定义QoS的控制器 26

4.5.1 控制器组成模块设计 26

4.5.2 控制器中网络QoS策略配置设计 27

4.6 小结 27

第5章 基于雾计算的WSN中软件定义动态QoS配置算法设计与结果分析 28

5.1 网络可扩展性仿真及评估 28

5.2 仿真情景设置及过程介绍 29

5.3 网络端到端时延分析 30

5.4 带宽利用率分析 32


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