
 2022-08-11 09:08


摘 要

物联网,即“Internet of things(IoT)”,顾名思义即物与物相连的互联网。近年来,物联网设备飞速发展,堪称是继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业的第三次革命性发展。现如今,各类物联网设备随处可见,从常见的共享单车、监控摄像,到各种智能家居设备、智能医疗设备,再到军事国防、能源电力等等,都是物联网设备具体应用的例子。这就引起了我们对物联网设备安全性的思考与关注,事实上以物联网设备为目标的入侵和监控行为一直在威胁物联网设备的安全,为了避免被不法之徒利用,对物联网设备异常行为的检测就显得十分重要。







Internet of Things (IoT), as the name suggests, is the network of devices which connect with each other on the Internet. In recent years, Internet of Things developed rapidly, considered to be the third revolutionary development in world information industry after computer and Internet. Nowadays, we can see IoT devices everywhere, such as shared bikes, Internet cameras, home appliances and smart medical devices. IoT devices even play an important role in military defense and energy industry. This raised our concern on the security of IoT device. In fact, many have tried to invade and make use of IoT devices to gain illegal interests. So it’s important to do the anomaly detection of IoT device behaviors.

Firstly, we analyzed the data flow of Network layer in IoT devices. We chose some representative features of data flow, such as the communication time, the communication frequency and so on. We built a device behavior matrix by using these features. Then we grouped the outlier into three types: outliers whose data beyond the normal range, outliers which are in the wrong scene and the 0-1 outliers.

Then we chose three unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm: K-means, DBSCAN and LOF. DBSCAN has low false positive rate and LOF has high detection rate. We put forward a new algorithm, which has the K-neighbor from LOF and clustering from DBSCAN. We hope to improve the stability when the parameters change and improve the detection rate.

After that, we put forward a new algorithm, which has the K-neighbor from LOF and clustering from DBSCAN. We introduced a new parameter, K to replace the two previous parameters, MinPts and Eps. We hope to improve the stability by introduce K. And we used low threshold to improve detection rate. Also, we used make-up mechanism to decrease false positive rate.

At last, we finished our algorithm and did some tests. The results of tests show we got a detection rate of 90% and low false positive rate. Also, the stability of our algorithm is better than before. The performance of our algorithm won’t be influenced by the change of K and the way which the outliers are input.

KEY WORDS: IoT Devices, Abnormal Behavior Distinguish, Unsupervised Learning

目 录

摘 要 I


1 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1物联网的发展 1

1.1.2物联网安全事件 2

1.1.3项目研究意义 3

1.2国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1物联网异常行为研究现状 3

1.2.2无监督学习研究现状 4

1.3课题任务与主要工作 5

2 物联网设备异常行为分析 6

2.1网络层数据流特征选择 6

2.2物联网设备异常行为类型分析 6

2.3本章小结 9

3 典型的无监督异常检测算法分析 10

3.1利用DBSCAN聚类进行异常检测 10

3.1.1 DBSCAN算法简介 10

3.1.2算法分析 12

3.1.3测试结果 13

3.2利用K-means聚类进行异常检测 14

3.2.1 K-means算法简介 14

3.2.2算法分析 15

3.3.3算法测试 15

3.3利用LOF(局部异常因子)算法进行异常检测 16

3.3.1 LOF异常因子算法简介 16

3.3.2算法分析 17

3.4无监督算法的比较与分析 18

3.5本章小结 19

4无监督异常检测算法K-DBSCAN 20

4.1改进原因 20

4.2K-DBSCAN算法描述 20

4.3理论分析 26

4.4本章小结 27

5 K-DBSCAN算法测试与分析 28

5.1实验环境 28

5.2无监督异常检测算法测试 28

5.2.1异常点检测率和误判率 28

5.2.2参数K对异常检测效果的影响 29

5.2.3数据输入形式、位置、顺序对算法的影响 31

5.3算法效果比较 33

5.4本章小结 34

6 总结与展望 35

6.1总结 35

6.2展望 35

参考文献 36

附录 38


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