
 2022-08-11 09:08


摘 要


1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 项目研究背景 1

1.1.2 项目研究意义 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 扫描工具 2

1.2.2 搜索引擎 3

1.3 课题任务与主要工作 4

2 扫描工具分析 6

2.1 Nmap 6

2.1.1 基本框架 6

2.1.2 主机发现 7

2.1.3 端口扫描 9

2.1.4 服务识别 11

2.1.5 操作系统探测 13

2.1.6 缺点分析 14

2.2 Masscan 14

2.2.1 原理分析 14

2.2.2 缺点分析 15

2.3 Zmap 15

2.4扫描工具的比较 16

2.5本章小结 16

3 系统方案设计 17

3.1 任务需求 17

3.2 系统结构 17

3.3 系统构建 18

3.3.1 设备搜索 18

3.3.2 后台扫描 19

3.4 本章小结 21

4 系统方案实现 22

4.1 开发环境—LAMP 22

4.1.1 LAMP介绍 22

4.1.2 环境配置 23

4.2功能实现 24

4.2.1 设备搜索 24

4.2.2 后台扫描 27

4.3 本章小结 28

5 系统方案测试 29

5.1 后台扫描测试 29

5.2 设备搜索测试 32

5.3本章小结 34

6 总结与展望 35

6.1 总结 35

6.2 展望 35

参考文献 36

附录 37

1.设备搜索程序代码 37

2.后台扫描代码 40

致 谢 43

摘 要

物联网(Internet of Thing, IoT),顾名思义,就是物物相连的互联网。如今,现实生活中已经广泛的布置了大量的传感器,产生了大量的物联网设备,也使得互联网的生活中,物联网的概念也就此深入人心。物联网主要,分别是层。其中,感知,而网络,应用层则是。当现实中充斥着大量的物联网设备,物联网设备极速搜索系统也应运而生了。物联网设备极速搜索系统的研究意义就在于其可以给网络安全从业人员提供大量的设备信息来检测并分析网络中的异常行为,因此对物联网设备极速搜索系统的研究具有十分重要的意义。






关键词: 物联网设备 端口扫描 Nmap Masscan


The Internet of Things (IoT), as the name implies, is the Internet connected by objects. Nowadays, a large number of sensors have been widely deployed in our real life, resulting in a large number of IoT devices, and the Internet's antennae have been derived from these IoT devices into real life. The concept of the Internet of Things is also deeply rooted in people's minds. The Internet of Things is mainly divided into three levels, namely the perception layer, network layer, and application layer. Among them, the perception layer plays a role in sensing information, while the network layer is mainly used to transmit information, and the application layer is a layer of processing information. When the reality is flooded with a large number of IoT devices, the IOT device speed search system has also emerged. The research significance of the IoT device speed search system lies in that it can provide network security practitioners with a large amount of device information to detect and analyze abnormal behavior in the network. Therefore, it is of great significance to research the IOT device speed search system.

Firstly, I studied the most important scanning tools in the IoT device search system, especially the port scanners -- Nmap and Masscan. The basic framework and four core functions of Nmap were studied in detail. I also studied the reason why Masscan is quicklier than Nmap in port scanning. The final system scheme’s design is based on these studies.

Then, based on the study of scanning tools, a method of combining the advantages of Nmap and Masscan was used to design a specific system solution for the IoT device speed search system. Under this scheme, the system mainly includes two major functions of device search and background scanning.


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