
 2022-10-08 10:39:41


摘 要







Objective: this study by comparing the domestic and foreign community pharmacies, thus a deep level of study and comb, and grasp the hotspot research, omni-directional and multi-level from relevant laws and regulations, pharmacy regulation and supervision, the ability and service specification of licensed pharmacists itself, public awareness, etc put forward Suggestions for the improvement of China retail pharmacies pharmaceutical care ability and feasible suggestion of theory study abroad theoretical system and practice experience, looking for improving the capability of the retail pharmacies pharmaceutical care in our country.

Methods: this research adopts the method of literature research, based on the parallel development of retail pharmacies in China and licensed pharmacists in China, analyzes their development status, and summarizes their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.The case study method, this topic through the nanjing city retail pharmacies licensed pharmacists service status in-depth analysis, prospects and future forecast;Comparative research method: through the direct comparison between the service status quo of licensed pharmacists in retail pharmacies in nanjing and the service status quo of licensed pharmacists in other retail pharmacies, and the direct comparison between the service status quo of licensed pharmacists in China and that in foreign countries, the service status quo of licensed pharmacists in nanjing is investigated and studied.

Results: Although the development of pharmaceutical care in retail pharmacies in China has achieved certain results, the relevant laws and regulations and the regulatory structure of pharmacies are not perfect.The level is uneven and the number of related service personnel is small;The industry has no clear standards;A series of problems, such as the public's lack of understanding of the service industry, have hindered the development of pharmaceutical care in domestic retail pharmacies to a great extent.

Conclusion: after comparing with foreign related industries, it is found that domestic retail pharmacies are deficient in legislation, management, personnel, service, public awareness and other aspects, resulting in the development of this industry lagging behind many countries. Therefore, it is suggested that the country speed up the legislative process of pharmacists law;Improve the supervision system of retail pharmacies;Improve the service ability of licensed pharmacists;To clarify the pharmaceutical care standards and procedures;Raise public awareness.

Key words: domestic and foreign comparison, Retail pharmacies, Licensed pharmacist, Pharmaceutical care

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3研究目标 1

1.4研究方法 1

第二章 研究基础 2

2.1 概念界定 2

2.1.1 零售药店 2

2.1.2 执业药师 2

2.1.3药学服务 2

2.2零售药店目前存在的问题 2

第三章 我国零售药店药学服务发展现状分析 3

3.1 药店发展现状 3

3.2 执业药师现状 3

3.2.1 执业药师各领域注册情况 3

3.2.2 执业药师教育情况 3

3.3 药学服务现状 4

3.4 公众认知度 4

3.4.1 非医药行业相关人群 4

3.4.2 医药行业相关人群 7

3.5 概况分析 9

第四章 发达国家执业药师药学服务现状分析 10

4.1 美国执业药师药学服务现状 10

4.2 日本执业药师药学服务现状 10

4.3 英国执业药师药学服务现状 10

第五章 整改建议与措施 11

5.1执业药师 11

5.2零售药店 11

5.3 发达国家先例带来的启示 11

第六章 总结 12

6.1 研究成果 12

6.2 研究不足 12

6.3 展望 12

致谢 13

参考文献 14

附录 16


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