“互联网 ”背景下我国网络药品经营监管的思考与分析研究

 2022-10-08 10:10


摘 要


关键词:互联网 ;监管;网络售药;处方药销售;区块链

Thinking and Analysing Research on China's Online Drug Administration under the Background of "Internet "


In recent years, the development momentum of China's Internet drug marketing market has been extremely rapid, and excessively rapid development will inevitably bring some disadvantages and breed some problems.For example, the current relevant laws have considerable lags and limitations, and they cannot play a good role in regulating the Internet drug sales market; the outdated regulatory measures and measures have led to the investigation and punishment of illegal and disorderly conduct of Internet drug operations has difficulties and loopholes.Therefore, China urgently needs a complete set of network drug management and supervision models that are applicable to the current situation to regulate the market, and thus to ensure drug safety and public drug safety.Suggestions can start from the newly revised "Drug Management Law", closely follow the general direction of its revision, properly absorb and learn from; reasonably increase the access threshold for Internet drug sales enterprises; strengthen the management of Internet drug advertising; formulate special online pharmacies.Scoring mechanism; actively develop the blockchain system, improve the online sales of prescription drugs and other methods to start, by improving the level and ability of the regulatory process, and thereby improve the standardization of China's online drug operation.

Key words:Internet ; Supervise ; Internet drug sales ; Prescription drug sales ; Blockchain

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究方法和内容 1

1.3.1研究方法 1

1.3.2研究内容 2

1.4研究进展 2

第二章 网络药品销售现状 3

2.1发达国家网络药品经营监管模式 3

2.1.1多元主义模式 3

2.1.2法团主义模式 3

2.1.3国家主义模式 3

2.2我国网络药品经营监管的阶段 3

2.2.1完全禁止 3

2.2.2初步试点 4

2.2.3限制开放 4

2.2.4新时代背景下的监管新模式 4

2.3我国网络药品经营的特点 4

2.3.1获批企业数量增长迅猛 4

2.3.2获批企业种类多种多样 4

第三章 我国互联网药品经营存在的问题 5

3.1利用互联网进行假劣药的销售 5

3.2利用网络销售处方药 5

3.3药品物流设施的不完善 6

3.4存在虚假违法的互联网药品广告 6

第四章 探索我国互联网药品经营监管的新方向 7

4.1紧跟《药品管理法》的修订方向,为我国完善互联网药品经营监管提供参考 7

4.2提高互联网药品销售企业的准入门槛 7

4.2.1必须配备一定数量的药学技术人员,杜绝“挂证”乱象 8

4.2.2物流方必须配备专业完善的物流设备 8

4.3规范互联网药品广告 9

4.4制定特殊的网上药店评分机制 9

4.5完善网络药品配送制度 10

第五章 从“互联网 ”背景出发,实现监管新模式 11

5.1区块链本质 11

5.2区块链分类 11

5.3区块链在网售药品过程中的具体应用 11

5.4应用过程中可能出现的问题和解决措施 12

5.4.1面临的难题 12

5.4.2解决措施 12

第六章 结论与展望 14

致谢 15

参考文献 16

第一章 引言




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