
 2022-07-13 07:07


摘 要





As the city's backbone transportation, rail transit has a high mobility and low accessibility, and thus has created the "last mile" problem. With the rapid development of shared bicycles, sharing bicycles has become a solution for many people to solve the “last mile” problem. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply understand the characteristics of travel as a connection method,the conditions for sharing bicycles,the scope of radiation of the rail transit, and explore the transfer behavior of commuter users in shared bicycles and competitive access methods to better promote this green and convenient access method and attract more people to use shared bicycles and rail transit. Combine travel modes and increase the sharing rate of rail transit accordingly.

From the perspective of shared bicycle operation data, this paper explores the radiation range of orbital stations when sharing bicycle-bound rail transit. This article uses POI data to classify the entire line of Nanjing Metro Line 3, using the isochronal method to visualize the radiation range, and uses the 90-degree distance of the shared bicycle to represent its quantified radiation range. Bicycle attraction. Then, a behavioral survey questionnaire was designed to explore the characteristics of trips of various types of metastases and untransferred people and the service perception of shared bicycles and various other access methods. Finally, a structural equation model was established for two methods of walking and sharing bicycles. The commuter users' attitudes to the two access methods and the factors influencing the transfer behavior were explored, and the policy recommendations for the services of shared bicycles were made based on the model ranking results. Improve the service satisfaction of shared bicycles and the transfer rate of commuter users.

KEY WORDS: sharing bike, rail transit access, structural equation model, radiation range


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 轨道交通辐射范围研究 2

1.2.2 公共自行车接驳轨道交通转移行为研究 2

1.2.3 共享单车接驳轨道交通行为研究 3

1.2.4 共享单车服务水平感知影响因素研究 3

1.3 现状总结 3

1.4 主要研究内容 4

1.5 技术路线 4

第二章 基于大数据的共享单车接驳轨道交通特征研究 6

2.1 共享单车的接驳特性 6

2.2 其他交通方式的接驳特性 6

2.2.1 步行 6

2.2.2 私人自行车/电动车 6

2.2.3 公共汽车 7

2.2.4 公共自行车 7

2.2.5 出租车/滴滴 7

2.2.6 小汽车 7

2.3 共享单车运营数据处理与分析 7

2.3.1 共享单车运营数据预处理 7

2.3.2 接驳数据处理与分析 9

2.4 轨道站点分类 11

2.4.1 三号线基本情况 11

2.4.2 POI数据获取 11

2.4.3 基于POI数据的站点分类 12

2.5 不同类别站点的辐射范围确定 15

2.5.1 等时线法 16

2.5.2 90分位接驳距离 18

2.6 轨道站点辐射范围对比分析 20

2.7 本章小结 21

第三章 共享单车接驳轨道交通转移行为研究 23

3.1 共享单车接驳轨道交通转移行为调查内容与方法 23

3.1.1 调查人群确定 23

3.1.2 调查地点确定 23

3.1.3 问卷调查设计 23

3.2 调查数据描述性分析 24

3.2.1 个人属性对比分析 24

3.2.2 接驳范围对比 26

3.2.3 对共享单车服务的用户感知分析 28

3.2.4 不使用共享单车进行轨道交通接驳的影响因素分析 29

3.3 本章小结 30

第四章 基于结构方程的转移模型建立 31

4.1 结构方程模型简介 31

4.2 变量确定 31

4.2.1 潜变量 32

4.2.2 信度分析 32

4.2.3 路径假设 33

4.3 模型构建 33

4.3.1 AMOS软件介绍 33

4.3.2 模型的建立 33

4.3.3 模型修正 34

4.4 模型结果分析 35

4.5 政策建议 37

4.6 本章小结 38

第五章 结论与展望 39

5.1 主要研究成果 39

5.2 主要创新点 39

5.3 研究展望 39

致谢 41

参考文献 42

附录A POI爬取代码 44


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