
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

摘要 4

关键词 4

1、绪言 6

1.1研究的背景与意义 6

1.1.1研究背景 6

1.1.2研究意义 6

1.2文献综述 6

1.2.1关于并购绩效的文献综述 7

(1)基于事件研究法的企业并购绩效 7

(2)基于财务指标研究法的企业并购绩效 7

1.2.2 关于并购绩效影响因素的文献综述 8

1.2.3总结 8

1.3研究的主要内容 8

1.4研究的创新与不足之处 9

1.4.1研究的创新之处 9

1.4.2研究的不足之处 9

2、理论基础 9

2.1并购 9

2.2并购绩效 9

2.3效率差异化理论 10

2.4非效率管理理论 10

2.5经营协同效应理论 10

3、并购绩效影响因素及机理分析 10

3.1支付方式影响并购绩效 10

3.2关联交易影响并购绩效 11

3.3交易规模会影响并购绩效 11

3.4产业相关性会影响并购绩效 11

4、我国上市公司并购绩效的实证分析 11

4.1样本选取 11

4.2财务指标选取 12

4.2.1盈利能力 12

4.2.2偿债能力 13

4.2.3营运能力 14

4.2.4发展能力 15

5、上市公司并购后绩效的影响因素的实证分析 16

5.1模型设定和变量选择 16

5.2模型设计 17

5.3数据参考 18

5.4基本结论 20

6、对策与建议 21

6.1制定合理的并购战略 21

6.2对并购公司作详尽考察 21

6.3综合运用多种支付手段,拓宽融资渠道 21

6.4做好并购后公司的整合工作 22

6.5完善相应的法律法规 22

6.6出台相关公司并购的鼓励政策 22

6.7加强中介公司的建设作用 22

参考文献: 23

致谢: 24




Abstract: With economic globalization and integration trends continue to strengthen the competitive pressures faced by businesses worldwide is also growing. In order to not be eliminated even apart from the competition, mergers and acquisitions to become the company's new focus, especially listed companies, due to the company's own ability is stronger, the scope of mergers and acquisitions, including not only domestic, but also more than a cross-border mergers and acquisitions. In this paper, M amp; A events in 2014 China's listed companies occur as the research object, select a measure of the performance of the relevant financial indicators, in the context of Theoretical analysis of factors affect performance, model building, and using multiple regression test payment, related party transactions transaction size and industry-related effects on the performance of listed companies.

This paper introduces the research background and significance, preliminary study of the development process of mergers and acquisitions of listed companies and the environment at home and abroad, and read through the literature, with reference to previous years, related research, including theoretical research achievements of Chinese and foreign scholars, learned and studied related infrastructure theory, and in recent years, domestic scholars make a simple comb and reviewed. On this basis, the relevant factors resolved from a theoretical point of M amp; A performance, including four areas: trade size, method of payment, related party transactions and industry relevant and individually analyze the specific impact of various factors on the performance. Next, a method to Listed Companies in 2014 M amp; A event for the study of the M amp; A performance and influencing factors of China's listed companies, respectively, for empirical research, select the relevant financial indicators, as well as reference data model, multiple regression test results and deal size in the short term performance and positively related to long-term but has brought negative effects; related party transactions not as expected, from the results, the impact on performance of mergers and acquisitions of listed companies to produce not significant. Finally, according to research findings, comments from businesses and government multi-angle, making this study more realistic.

Keywords: Listed companies, M amp; A performance, related party transactions, influencing factors








如今世界经济全球化和一体化成为时代发展的趋势,各个国家的企业都处在更宏观更多元化的环境中发展,发展的模式也更加多样化。据近年的研究表明:我国越来越多的上市公司通过并购的方式重组自己的公司,扩大公司规模、重组公司结构、增加资源配置效率、实现战略转型等等,对于我国的上市公司来说,并购不仅是国际大环境的影响也是我国市场经济体制改革的体现。总而言之,企业通过并购可以达到一种创新和自我淘汰、自我改革的目的。并购虽然前景美好,但是风险亦存,有些企业因为并购成功绩效猛增,企业规模更上一步;而也有企业因为并购失败导致破产。企业并购成功与否受到很多种因素的影响,而企业并购后的绩效也成为企业并购是否有成效最直观的考察角度。所以企业在并购之前应思索的问题就是企业是否应该选择并购?并购之后是否可以为企业带来正绩效?企业的并购绩效受到哪些因素的影响? 结合这些问题,研究新形势下上市公司的并购活动具有理论价值和实践意义。








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