
 2022-01-18 12:01


目 录

1 引言 1

1.1 选题的背景 1

1.2 选题的意义 1

1.2.1 理论意义 1

1.2.2 现实意义 1

2 文献综述 2

2.1 产业转移的路径与规模 2

2.2 产业转移的合理性 2

2.3 产业转移的影响 2

3 理论框架 2

3.1 比较优势理论 3

3.2 “雁型模式”产业转移理论 3

3.3 边际产业转移理论 3

3.4 新经济地理理论 3

4 中国制造业的空间布局 4

4.1 数据描述 4

4.2 区域、行业划分与数据选取 4

4.3 制造业的空间布局情况及数据分析 5

5 中国制造业的转移趋势分析 7

5.1 制造业产业结构差异 7

5.1.1 地区相对专业化指数 7

5.1.2 地区间专业化指数 9

5.2 各行业的市场份额变化与行业布局 10

5.2.1 各行业市场份额变化及分析 11

5.2.2 各制造业行业布局 15

5.3 各类型制造业转移情况分析 16

5.3.1 劳动密集型产业 16

5.3.2 技术密集型制造业 16

5.3.3 资本密集型产业 16

5.4 本章小结 16

6 结论与建议 17

6.1 结论 17

6.2 建议 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20




Abstract: The rapid development of China’s economy has aroused world attention, and an important reason for economic growth is the development of manufacturing. The unbalanced development of China's manufacturing industry brings about imbalances in economic development among regions. Industrial transfer plays a major role in balancing regional development. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the spatial distribution of manufacturing industries and the regional transfer of manufacturing industries. . This article starts with reviewing domestic and international research, development and important theories and conclusions about industrial transfer, and uses double-digit level manufacturing data to analyze the changes in regional specialization, industrial concentration rate, and manufacturing market share from 2001 to 2016. To study the spatial layout and transfer of manufacturing industries. The results show that: First, during the research period, China's manufacturing industries are ranked in the order of concentration, namely, the eastern, central, southwest, northeast, and northwest regions, showing a trend of decreasing from east to west. Second, labor and capital-intensive industries are still the mainstay of China's manufacturing transfer. Technology-intensive industries also have shifts, but the scale of transfer is relatively small. Third, the major transfer path of manufacturing industry is from east to west and from coastal areas to inland areas. In particular, labor-intensive and capital-intensive manufacturing industries have shifted from developed regions to underdeveloped regions and have entered the decentralization of industrial advantages. At the same time, technology-intensive industries are in the phase of industrial agglomeration in the opposite direction of the former two. Fourth, the industrial structure of each region is undergoing continuous adjustments, competing to develop industries that are in line with their own advantages, and relocating uncompetitive industries has gained regional competitiveness.

Key words: manufacturing, Industrial transfer, regional specialization, Industrial agglomeration

  1. 引言
  2. 选题的背景



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