
 2022-02-14 08:02


摘 要






Chinese Electronic Games’ Innovative Restatement of Chinese Antiquity Myth

Take Legend of the Ancient Sword Ⅱ: Dawn of Eternal Night as an example


As the most lasting and most influential cultural trend since twentieth Century, New Mythicism has diverse forms of expression, creative contents, profound cultural heritages and great development space.

New Mythicism sweeps the whole world so that researchers take the recreation of myth into consideration. Electronic games have been at the forefront with the development of the times and the progress of science and technology among various genres of Myth Rewriting. It has become one of the signs of the rise of New Mythicism. Electronic games’ restatement of myth is not only a simple repeat, but also an innovation of the myth.

In the 1990s, Chinese electronic games begin to display the talent. There is no lack of the restatement of Chinese Antiquity Myth. Chinese electronic games innovate themselves on the basis of Chinese Antiquity Myth to form a unique style. With the passage of time and the accumulation of experience, the innovative rewriting means are more and more mature. For example, the Chinese electronic game Legend of the Ancient Sword Ⅱ: Dawn of Eternal Night released in 2013 draws lessons from Chinese Antiquity Myth in the world view, changes the simple narrate revolved around a single core to the complex narrate and presents aesthetic representation of myth in the form of image intuitively.

The research of Chinese electronic games’ innovative restatement of Chinese Antiquity Myth has many meanings, such as the supplement of the mythology research and the development of Chinese myth.

KEY WORDS: New Mythicism, Electronic Games, World outlook, Narrative mode, Aesthetic image

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1、绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 选题意义 1

1.3 研究现状 2

1.4 研究方法 4

1.5 创新之处 4

2、研究对象的界定及其相关概念 5

2.1 新神话主义与重述神话 5

2.1.1 新神话主义 5

2.1.2 重述神话 5

2.2 本文中中国上古神话界定 6

2.2.1 年代与地域系统 6

2.2.2 研究对象的选取来源 6

2.3 华语电子游戏概述 7

2.3.1 “电子游戏”的定义及相关术语 7

2.3.2 带有重述神话现象的华语电子游戏发展历史 7

2.3.3 研究对象《古剑奇谭二·永夜初晗凝碧天》简介 8

3、世界观设定层面的重述 10

3.1 游戏世界观与神话世界观 10

3.2 “断章取义”和“抛砖引玉”:游戏世界观对神话的碎片化运用 10

3.2.1 “断章取义”——游戏对神话的细节拼贴 11

3.2.2 “抛砖引玉”——游戏对神话元素的讨论 13

3.3 整体设定的化用——以游戏势力“流月城”为例 21

3.3.1 流月城的成因:神话的融合与合理的想象 21

3.3.2 流月城的遭遇:神农神秘失踪的蝴蝶效应 23

3.3.3 神话整体设定在游戏中的化用模式与功能 25

4、叙事模式的继承与发展 27

4.1 中国神话的简单叙事 27

4.1.1 围绕唯一核心的描述特点——以建木神话为例 27

4.1.2 单线程的叙事模式——以共工怒触不周山、女娲补天为例 28

4.2 游戏的多点、多线、网状复杂化叙事 30

4.2.1 多点 31

4.2.2 多线 32

4.2.3 网状 35

4.3 从“无意识”到“有意识” 36

5、神话的审美具象与游戏的图像呈现——以第二女主角“阿阮”为例 38

5.1 山鬼神话与“阿阮”形象 38

5.1.1 山鬼形象与阿阮山鬼外装的比对 38

5.1.2 赤豹与文狸在游戏中的形象 40

5.2 青鸾神话与“阿阮”形象 41

5.2.1 阿阮的“青鸾”星蕴 41

5.2.2 青鸾神话的隐喻 42

5.3巫山神女神话 43

5.3.1 巫山神女神话中的巫山与游戏中的神女墓 43

5.3.2 瑶草与阿阮人物设定的比对 51

结语 57

参考文献 61

致谢 63


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