
 2023-02-25 11:02


摘 要


本设计主要是进行框架结构设计,内容包括结构计算和施工图绘制两部分。其中结构计算包括电算、手算和两种算法结果的对比分析。电算内容包括:先用 PMCAD进行建模,输入荷载,再用 SAT-8进行框架的空间结构内力分析和计算及配筋计算,最后用 PKPM 软件输出标准层楼面梁平面配筋图、屋面梁平面配筋图、标准层楼板配筋图、屋面板配筋图、框架柱平面配筋图、详图等施工图。




D1504 Jiangsu Province Bureau of Education Education Center (B) structure design


This topic comes in practical engineering, has strong engineering background and foreground of engineering application. Advantages of frame structure system is flexible layout, can provide larger building space, can also constitute a rich and varied facade shape. Therefore, many high-rise frame structure system in engineering practice has been widely used. Through the design of the structure can enable students to consolidate what we learned in the university professional knowledge and professional knowledge, the system of the four years of university studies of knowledge are linked together, so the combination of theory and practice, to master the procedures and methods of construction engineering design. Understand the construction work coordination, the importance of cooperation and culture exchange, ditch Communication ability and team spirit, so as to have the basic skills and quality of engineering and technical personnel.

The design is primarily for frame design, including structural calculations and construction drawings of two parts.Structure calculations include computing, hand calculation and comparing the results of two algorithms.Computing includes: make a model with PMCAD, input load firstly, then use SAT - 8 to computate the internal forces of spatial structure and reinforcement, finally output of the standard layer of floor beam reinforcement plans, the roof layer of floor beam reinforcement plans,standard floor slab reinforcement plans, roof reinforcement plans, frame column reinforcement drawings and other construction plans with PKPM software.

Hand calculation include: determine the size of structural systems and components, the structure layout, floor design, horizontal frame under vertical load calculation diagram and force calculation, horizontal frame under wind load calculation diagram and the force calculation, horizontal frame under horizontal earthquake calculation of internal forces and displacements, internal force combination beam frame, frame beam and column design, stair design and basic design. And draw stair structural reinforcement plan ,basic floor plan and the basis detailing plan.

Finally, the two results are during the hand count and computing comparative analysis. A total of eight working drawings, including: the general information of the structure construction design, the basic floor plan and foundation construction plans, the column flat construction plans, the standard layer of floor beam and slab reinforcement plans, the roof layer of floor beam and slab reinforcement plans, the structure floor plans and the staircase structure construction plans.

Keywords: Structural Design; Reinforced Concrete;Frame Structures;Calculation of Internal Force


第一章 工程概况 1

第二章 设计资料 1

2.1气象资料 1

2.2地质水文资料 1

2.3抗震设防烈度 1

2.4材料 1

第三章 结构平面布置 1

3.1标准层平面布置图 1

3.2框架梁柱截面尺寸确定 2

3.2.1框架梁截面尺寸 2

3.2.2框架柱截面尺寸 3

第四章 楼板设计 3

4.1楼板荷载 3

4.1.1恒荷载 3

4.1.2 活荷载 4

第五章 横向框架在竖向荷载作用作用下的计算简图及内力计算 5

5.1横向框架在恒荷载作用下的计算简图 5

5.1.1横向框架简图 5

5.1.2 第一层框架的计算简图 6

5.1.3 第二层框架的计算简图 9

5.1.4 第三层框架的计算简图 12

5.1.5 第四层框架的计算简图 16

5.1.6 第五层框架的计算简图 19

5.1.7 恒荷载作用下横向框架的计算简图 23

5.2活向框架在恒荷载作用下的计算简图 23

5.2.1轴线第一层框架简图 24

5.2.2 轴线第二层框架简图 25

5.2.3 轴线第三层框架简图 26

5.2.4 轴线第四层框架简图 27

5.2.5 轴线第五层框架简图 28

5.2.6活荷载作用下横向框架的计算简图 29

5.3横向框架在恒荷载作用下的内力计算 30

5.3.1用弯矩二次分配法计算弯矩 30

5.3.2绘制内力图 35

5.4横向框架在活荷载作用下的内力计算 38

5.4.1 用弯矩二次分配法计算弯矩 38

5.4.2绘制内力图 41

第六章 横向框架在水平地震作用下的内力和位移计算 44

6.1重力荷载代表值计算 45

6.1.1第5层重力荷载代表值计算 45

6.1.2 第4层重力荷载代表值计算 46

6.1.3 第3层重力荷载代表值计算 47

6.1.4第2层重力荷载代表值计算 48

6.1.5 第1层重力荷载代表值计算 49

6.2横向框架的水平地震作用和位移计算 50

6.2.1框架梁柱线刚度计算 50

6.2.2侧翼刚度D计算 51

6.2.3结构基本自震周期的计算 53

6.2.4横向水平地震作用计算 54

6.3横向框架在水平地震作用下的内力计算 55

6.3.1反弯点高度计算 55

6.3.2柱端弯矩及剪力计算 56

6.3.3梁段弯矩及剪力计算 56

6.3.4水平地震作用下的柱轴力计算 58

6.3.5绘制内力图 58

第七章 框架梁柱内力组合 61

6.1框架梁内力组合 63

6.1.1内力换算和梁端负弯矩调幅 63

6.1.2非抗震设计时的基本组合 63

非抗震设计时的剪力组合过程见下表。 65

表7-2 用于承载力计算的框架梁非抗震设计时的剪力基本组合 65

6.1.3 地震作用效应和其他荷载组合效应的基本组合 66


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