
 2022-03-09 08:03


摘 要





05512123 He Qiaoyi

Supervised by Liu Yan


Chinese Ancient Civilization Search Centre is located in the center area of Olympic park in Beijing. The planning construction land area is 35721 m2 and the total construction area is 82899 m2. There are 8 layers above the ground floor of the main building which is 56 meters high with two floors basement of. The construction of the overall pattern is formed by the main building which is located in the center of the field and the podium surrounding the main building.

In this paper, Chinese ancient civilization search center has been proposed and studied after taking a comprehensive analysis of the climate feature and some other influencing factors of Beijing. It is based on the water and drainage system designing of Chinese ancient civilization search center and combined with the new norms and policies of design and construction in building water supply and drainage engineering. Meanwhile, the subject carries out the analysis and discussions of the problems in the design. The paper mainly contains the construction drawing, design calculations and design studies. And the construction drawings mainly covers the plans and the system diagrams of water supply, fire protection and drainage system. The design mainly concludes drawing water supply design, drainage design and fire design. According to the height of the Chinese Ancient Civilization Search Centre, the water supply system was divided into three zones. The water of the first zone was directly supplied by the city water supply pipes. The other two zones were supplied by the pressure-variable pumps. The drainage system included the drainage of storm sewage, which was relied to the city storm sewage sewer, and the domestic sewage, which entering the cesspool before drained.

The construction of water supply and drainage design is completed by these design and calculation.

Keywords: drawing water supply design, drainage design, fire design, calculation statement

目 录

摘 要 1

目 录 3

第一章 设计任务及设计资料 5

1.1项目背景 5

1.2工程概况 6

1.3设计文件和资料 6

1.3.1设计文件 6

1.3.2设计资料 7

1.4设计与研究的内容及意义 7

1.4.1设计与研究的内容 7

1.5设计的路线 8

1.5.1设计的路线 8

第二章 工程设计说明 9

2.1冷水给水系统 9

2.1.1系统概述 9

2.1.2用水量标准及用水量 9

2.1.3卫生间盥洗、厨房给水系统设计 11

2.1.4冲厕给水系统设计 15

2.1.5冷却塔补水给水系统设计 15

2.1.6灌溉冲洗给水系统设计 15

2.2热水给水系统 16

2.2.1设计小时耗热量及热水量计算 16

2.2.2 热源的选择 16

2.2.3热水系统的设计 17

2.3生活排水系统 20

2.3.1室内污废水系统的计算 20

2.3.2通气管系统计算 20

2.3.3污水收集系统 20

2.4雨水排水系统 21

2.4.1设计参数 21

2.4.2汇水面积及立管计算 21

2.4.3室内雨水管道布置 21

2.5 消防给水系统 21

2.5.1消防水源 21

2.5.2消防用水量及消防水池 21

2.5.3 室内消火栓系统 22

2.5.4自动喷水灭火系统 24

2.5.5雨淋灭火系统 26

2.5.6水幕系统 27

2.5.7大空间智能型主动喷水灭火系统 27

2.5.8气体灭火系统 28

2.5.9建筑灭火器 28

2.5.9室外消火栓及水泵接合器的设计 29

致 谢 30

参考文献 31

附 录 32

第一章 设计任务及设计资料




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