
 2022-03-30 08:03


摘 要




Longnan County is located at the southernmost zone of Jiangxi Province, which is in the Yangtze River Basin and is rich in various mineral resources. The mine in this county produces 6,000 tons of wastewater per day, and the ammonia nitrogen concentration reaches 500 mg/L. The demanded ammonia nitrogen concentration of effluent is lt;8 mg/L. This design considered the engineering practice of the Wenlong mining area in Longnan County, Jiangxi Province and the background of current domestic high ammonia nitrogen wastewater treatment process. It briefly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each process, combining with wastewater treatment capacity, influent ammonia nitrogen concentration and corresponding technical characteristics. Based on this, a process for treating high ammonia nitrogen wastewater in the mine area was designed. The physicochemical method commonly used in the treatment of high ammonia nitrogen wastewater is combined with the biological method to form the main treatment process: grid → conditioning tank → high density sedimentation tank → fast filter → electrodialyzer → A/O pool (bleeding tower → Hydrochloric acid storage tanks → second sinking tank → disinfection channel → discharge. Among them, the concentrated water in the electrodialyzer is treated by the stripping method to recover a part of the ammonia gas; the fresh water adopts the A/O biological treatment process, which saves the running cost. This design strictly abides by the relevant national regulations and standards, and can ensure the effluent water quality to meet the requirements. In addition, the design also briefly estimates construction costs and operating costs to demonstrate the economics and feasibility of the project.

Key words: high ammonia nitrogen wastewater, electrodialysis, stripping method, A/O

目 录

第一章 概述 1

1.1 城市概况及设计背景 1

1.1.1 城市概况 1

1.1.2 工程设计背景 1

1.2 设计要求 1

1.3 设计主要工作 1

1.4 设计原则 1

第二章 工艺比选 2

2.1 技术背景 2

2.2 设计分析 2

2.3 工艺比选 2

2.3.1 物化法选型 2

2.3.2 生物法选型 4

2.3.3 预处理方法选型 4

第三章 设计计算 6

3.1 格栅设计计算 6

3.2 调节池设计计算 7

3.3 高密度沉淀池设计计算 7

3.4 普通快滤池设计计算 11

3.5 电渗析设计计算 16

3.5.1 电渗析设备选用 16

3.5.2设计出水状况 16

3.6 氨吹脱塔设计计算 17

3.7 A/O池设计计算 24

3.8 二沉池设计计算 29

3.9 紫外线消毒渠设计计算 31

3.10 污泥处理 32

3.11 高程布置 34

3.11.1构筑物水头损失 34

3.11.2 污水管线损失 34

3.11.3污泥沿程损失 35

3.11.4 高程布置 36

第四章 投资估算 38

4.1 建设费用 38

4.2 运行费用 38

参考文献 40

致 谢 41

第一章 概述

1.1 城市概况及设计背景

1.1.1 城市概况


1.1.2 工程设计背景


1.2 设计要求


从吸附法,沉淀法,氧化法,膜法等高氨氮废水处理工艺中至少选择两个工艺进行经济技术比较,完成废水处理工艺部分的设计计算,对处理工程的总概算、成本估计和运营成本进行概预算,绘制两种工艺的各处理构筑物设计图(流程图和平面图)。图纸规范,标注清晰,布局合理,出水满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB 18918-2002)》中氨氮的一级B排放标准。

1.3 设计主要工作



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