
 2022-03-31 08:03


摘 要

随着社会的发展,人们的生活水平的提高以及对舒适性要求不断提高,室内装饰装修的频率也在不断增加。人造板材中的甲醛进入室内空气后会严重危害室内人员的身体健康,室内空气品质(Indoor Air Quality, 简称 IAQ)问题逐渐成为人们日常生活关注的焦点。甲醛是造成室内污染的一大原因,人造板材释放到空气中的甲醛是影响室内空气质量的重要因素。本文从基于板材甲醛散发的数学模型、利用Gambit建立物理模型、采用Fluent软件进行模型计算分析各种因素对甲醛散发特性的影响、并对各种气流组织形式下室内甲醛浓度分布进行了预测,而对人造板材中甲醛到室内空气的释放特性以及甲醛的净化措施进行了研究。




关键词:甲醛 散发特性 净化 室内空气品质


People's living standards and requirements for comfort are constantly improving with the development of society, at the same time, the frequency of interior decoration is also increasing. Formaldehyde in artificial boards can seriously harm the health of indoor people after entering indoor air. And the IAQ problem has gradually become the focus of people's daily life. In this paper, the physical model was established by Gambit, based on the mathematical model of formaldehyde emission, and the model calculation was used to analyze the influence of various factors on the emission characteristics of formaldehyde, and the indoor formaldehyde concentration distribution under various airflow forms was predicted. The release characteristics of formaldehyde to indoor air in artificial boards and the purification measures of formaldehyde were studied.

Firstly, based on the mass transfer mechanism, the formaldehyde emission and migration model in the environmental chamber is established. Compared with the experimental results, the correctness of the model and the feasibility of Fluent calculation are verified.

Secondly, the process of indoor formaldehyde emission in the actual environment is modeled, and the indoor formaldehyde concentration distribution under different environmental conditions is predicted. The results show that ventilation can increase the efficiency of pollutant removal in the material. When the inlet wind speed is greater than 2m/s, the air supply speed will continue to increase, and the indoor formaldehyde concentration will not decrease. The ambient temperature will have a greater impact on the emission of formaldehyde in the sheet. With the increase of temperature, the release amount of the plate also increased, the indoor formaldehyde concentration increased; the plate emission intensity was positively correlated with the indoor formaldehyde concentration; the effect of the adsorbed material on formaldehyde emission was only in the condition of closing the door and window or low ventilation rate. The next is effective, when the doors and windows in the room are open, the influence of the adsorbent material can be ignored.

Finally, taking the bedroom as the research object, under different airflow organization forms, fluent is used to simulate the same side to send the upper and lower ventilation form, the opposite side to send the lower back ventilation form, the opposite side to send the upper return ventilation form, and the top delivery side. Back to the distribution characteristics of formaldehyde in the indoor environment under four ventilation forms. By comparing and analyzing the numerical simulation results of formaldehyde concentration field and velocity field in the office space under different airflow organization forms, it is found that under the same indoor conditions, the indoor air quality is four when the air supply mode is sent from the opposite side to the horizontal air supply. The best in airflow organization.

Key words: Formaldehyde Emission characteristics Purification Indoor air quality

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2室内甲醛污染产生的来源、危害、污染现状 2

1.2.1室内甲醛污染的来源 2

1.2.2室内甲醛污染的危害 3

1.2.3室内甲醛污染的现状 3

1.3人造板材内甲醛释放特性研究现状 4

1.3.1对甲醛释放特性影响因素的研究 4

1.3.2甲醛的检测方法及其对比 6

1.4研究内容 7

第二章 VOCs散发的理论模型分析 8

2.1物理模型 8

2.2经验或半经验模型 9

2.3灰色模型 10

第三章 环境仓模型及验证 11

3.1环境仓内流动模拟原理 11

3.1.1连续性方程 11

3.1.2动量守恒方程 11

3.1.3能量守恒方程 12

3.1.4湍流方程 13

3.2验证模型 13

3.2.1实验基础 13

3.2.2模拟计算 14

3.2.3结果分析 15

第四章 室内甲醛释放特性研究 17

4.1房间概况 17

4.2模型建立 17

4.2.1物理模型的建立 17

4.2.2网格划分 18

4.2.3边界条件设定 19

4.2.4模拟工况设定 19

4.3模拟结果及分析 20

4.3.1标准状况下甲醛浓度分布 20

4.3.2不同通风条件对甲醛散发的影响 21

4.3.3送风速度对甲醛散发的影响 24

4.3.4环境温度对甲醛散发的影响 26

4.3.5源头强度对甲醛散发的影响 27

4.3.6吸附物对甲醛散发的影响 28

第五章 气流组织对室内甲醛浓度分布的影响 30

5.1气流组织介绍 30

5.2模型建立 30

5.2.1物理模型的建立 30

5.2.2边界条件设定 30

5.3 模拟结果及分析 31

5.3.1同侧上送上回通风形式 31

5.3.2异侧上送下回通风形式 32

5.3.3异侧下送上回通风形式 33

5.3.4顶送侧回通风形式 34

5.4送风角度对室内甲醛浓度分布的影响 35

第六章 结论 37

参考文献 38

致 谢 41

第一章 绪论


进入21世纪,科学技术水平不断进步的同时,老百姓的生活水平也不断提高,室内环境越来越好,室内环境也成为了人们工作、生活的主要地点。在中国,一天内人们位于室内的活动时间约占80%-90%,对于生活在城市的人来说,则在室内度过的时间占据了一天中的90%[1]。在美国,人们一天中处在室外的时间也越来越短,美国国家人类活动样本调查显示,一天之中,有20~21小时人们都处于室内环境,还有1~2小时呆在交通工具[2、3]。而在欧洲,一天中人们呆在室内的时间达到了21小时以上[4]。因此,室内空气品质(IAQ)问题是我们应该关注并重视的问题。室内空气污染有如下特征:累积性。空气污染物从外界进入或者板材中释放到室内空气,导致室内污染物浓度升高,再到室内空气污染物逐渐被排出室外,室内浓度逐渐变低,这些过程都会经历较长的时间。室内环境是相对封闭的空间,室内污染物浓度因室内空气污染物聚集起来而增大,会危害人体的健康。 长期性。即使室内空气污染物浓度很低,但由于人们一天中的大部分时间都处于室内,人体在低浓度空气污染物的长期作用下,身体健康会受到危害。 多样性。能够污染室内空气的物质种类繁多,包括但不限于生物污染、化学污染、物理污染等。 周期长。一些空气污染物是从室内装饰材料中释放出来的,即使室内保持良好的通风,还是会有空气污染物从建材中释放出来,污染室内空气。

室内空气品质问题通常是由于各种挥发性有机物(VOCs)以及甲醛等造成的。我国国家标准(GB50325-2010要求:室内甲醛含量应小于等于0.08-010mg/m3,TVOC的含量应小于等于0.5-0.6mg/m3[6]。建筑材料及装饰材料中释放出的有机挥发性气体(VOCs)会对人体健康产生损害,相关研究结果表明[6]:人员长期暴露于室内环境中,室内的建筑装饰材料会散发出有机挥发性气体(VOCs),会使人体产生头痛、恶心、呕吐、四肢乏力等症状,即病态建筑综合症(SBS); 室内有机挥发性气体(VOCs)浓度过高时,会使人体产生抽搐、昏迷、记忆力减退,甚至产生致癌作用[5、7-10]。对节能建筑的追求,在建筑的建造过程中使用大量的新型隔热材料来加强建筑的绝热性和密闭性。同时为了降低能耗,减少建筑组织渗风,降低了建筑的新风量,使得大量VOCs积聚在室内,难以得到有效的稀释。


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