
 2022-07-10 07:07


摘 要







This paper introduces the background, development and Prospect of ground source heat pump, and designs a ground source heat pump central air-conditioning system according to the requirements of Nanjing area.

Ground source heat pump is a heat transfer device. It uses water resources such as groundwater, river lake water, reservoir water, sea water, urban water, industrial tail water, tunnel water and other kinds of water resources. Moreover, it can be used as the cold and heat source of ground source heat pump, mainly using underground, relatively stable soil temperature, that is geothermal. Carry the energy, the efficiency and the high. GSHP usually consumes 1kWh of energy, and the user can get the heat or cold amount that the GSHP consumes more than 4 times.

"Ground source heat pump" technology began in Britain and the United States. The Nordic countries mainly focus on heating in winter, while the United States pays attention to combined supply in winter and summer. Later in 2010, China started to rise to the top of the world's second position, but the application of the ground source in Britain and the United States was of reference to the development and innovation of the ground source heat pump in China.

This topic is mainly about the design of ground source heat pump air conditioning system, the design of a hotel in Nanjing for summer cooling and heating in winter. The buried pipe of underground heat exchanger in this scheme adopts vertical U type buried pipe and uses water storage energy to achieve high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection.

Keywords: Ground source heat pump; air-conditioning systems;vertical pipe;water storage energy

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 地源热泵发展现状 3

1.3 地源热泵的技术观点 5

1.4 地源热泵的类型及优缺点 6

第二章 空调系统设计依据 8

2.1 室外气象参数 8

2.2 室内设计参数确定 8

2.3 设计范围 8

2.4 设计原则 9

第三章 负荷计算 10

3.1 冷负荷计算 10

3.1.1 外墙和屋面瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 11

3.1.2 外玻璃窗逐时传热形成的冷负荷 11

3.1.3 透过玻璃窗的日射得热形成的冷负荷 12

3.1.4 人体散热形成的冷负荷 12

3.1.5 照明散热形式的冷负荷 13

3.1.6 新风引起的冷负荷 13

3.2 热负荷 14

3.3 湿负荷 14

3.4总负荷 15

第四章 空调方案的设计 16

4.1 地源热泵系统机组的选择 16

4.2 确定空调方式 17

4.2 风机盘管的选型 17

4.1 新风机组的选型 19

第五章 空调水系统水力计算 20

5.1 空调水系统的设计 20

5.1.1 空调水系统的设计原则 20

5.1.2 空调供回水管的水力计算 20

5.1.3 空调立管的水力计算 20

5.2 空调水系统的水力计算 20

5.3 空调立管的水力计算 23

第六章 地源热泵机组选择计算 24

6.1 地源热泵机组选型计算 24

6.2空调循环水泵设计计算 24

6.2.1 水泵流量的确定 24

6.2.2 水泵扬程的确定 25

第七章 地下埋管的设计与计算 26

7.1 冬夏季地下换热量的确定 26

7.2 确定地下换热器的埋管形式 26

7.3 确定管路连接方式 27

7.4 地下换热器埋管管材及管径的确定 27

7.4.1 埋管管材的确定 27

7.4.2 确定管径 27

7.5 竖井埋管管长的确定 28

7.6竖井数目及间距的确定 28

7.6.1竖井数目的确定 28

7.6.2 竖井间距的确定 29

7.7 垂直地埋管校核管材承压能力 29

7.8运行管理和维护 29

第八章 水蓄能 31

8.1水蓄能原理 31

8.1.1水蓄能特点 31

8.1.2系统原理图 31

8.2 水蓄能经济性 32

8.1.1设备 32

8.1.2经济性计算 32

结 论(或结语) 34

致 谢 35

参 考 文 献 36

附录1:负荷计算表 37


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