
 2023-03-16 09:33:15


摘 要




Staff dormitory bill of quantities and C business tender offer


With the gradual reform of the construction industry and the increasingly perfect construction market, the construction project of the contractor mainly through bidding to achieve. At the same time, the bill of quantities is one of the main ways of bidding. The bill of quantities is the basis for the preparation of the enterprise construction organization and the bidding quotation. The use of the bill of quantities method simplifies the bidding process and provides a relatively fair competitive opportunity for all bidders. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct in-depth study of the bill of quantities and quotation.

In this graduation design, the main task is based on the staff dormitory drawings and the corresponding norms to prepare the bill of quantities and C enterprises to bid for the bid. In the process of preparing the bill of quantities, the key task is to manually calculate the amount of work and use software to generate bill of quantities. According to the staff dormitory construction drawings and the corresponding calculation rules, calculate the amount of civil engineering and decoration works. According to the calculated amount of work, use future software to prepare the bill of quantities. In the tender offer the whole process, the key task is the construction organization design and quotation. The preparation of the construction plan is the basis of the tender offer and the decisive factor in the offer level. According to the actual situation of C enterprises, construction programs, pricing strategies and techniques, and so on, use future software to offer. Finally, C companies use the tender documents for tender. The whole process of graduation design, is a simple bidding process. This combines the knowledge of the project cost of textbooks, but also test the practical knowledge of the construction, which is the combination of textbooks and the actual.

Keywords: Bill of quantities; tender offer

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 毕业设计综述 1

第一章 工程概况 2

第二章 毕业设计任务 3

第二部分 职工宿舍楼工程量清单编制 9

第三部分 职工宿舍楼C企业投标报价 25

第一章 投标函及投标函附录 27

第二章 法定代表人身份证明(略) 28

第三章 授权委托书(略) 28

第四章 联合体协议书(略) 28

第五章 投标保证金 29

第六章 已标价工程量清单 30

第七章 施工组织设计 62

第八章 项目管理机构(略) 78

第九章 资格审查资料(略) 78

第四部分 建设工程施工成本控制研究 79

结束语 84

谢 辞 85

参 考 文 献 86







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