
 2023-03-08 03:03


摘 要





Real estate development project has a long construction period, a large amount of funds, the impact of the environment, many uncertain factors, the development of a real estate project is a huge and complex projects. Therefore, in the development of real estate projects, the construction project should be planned and scientific analysis of the program to achieve the ultimate goal of the development of real estate projects. However, in modern society, the development of real estate projects will appear all sorts of problems, the main reason is that real estate companies do not pay attention to project pre planning and planning in the early development stage and more depends on the project manager and technical staff of personal experience, not too much attention to the feasibility study analysis, technical staff once the project manager or the Department of change, the progress of the project will be difficult. Moreover, the real estate industry competition is more and more intense, the real estate enterprise only then carries on the detailed preliminary research, together with the later stage earnest implementation, can obtain the good benefit in this intense competition.

The 15 companies through sortilege,by Hangzhou"s weixin real estate development company with 3 billion 180 million yuan,owned the plot. Nanjing city Pukou District Jiangpu street, North Ring Road on the south side of the Jiangmiao road block the flow of people, beautiful natural environment, basic facilities, not only to meet consumer demand for residential, but also provide a convenient place for their consumption, and promote the construction of the project to obtain double economic benefits. The general situation of Jiangpu real estate in Nanjing City, in this paper, after investigation and analysis on the market, using the financial evaluation method according to the given project information, project analysis of market environment, development cost and risk, the enterprise"s financial situation from real estate development unit angle, were designed in 4 different development schemes and determine the development and construction plan, including project development schedule, investment and financing plan etc.. On this basis, economic indicators necessary to calculate NPV, each financial construction scheme of the net annual value, payback period, profit rate of investment and project internal rate of return, and then determine whether the project is financially feasible.

Key words: Nanjing city Pukou District Jiangpu street; financial evaluation; feasibility study




第一部分 毕业设计工作过程描述..............................................................................................................1

第一章 选题背景与意义 2

第二章 小组分工与前期准备 3

2.1. 小组分工 3

2.2. 前期准备 3

第三章 工作流程 4

3.1. 传统财务评价流程 4

3.2. G49地块住宅商品房项目财务评价工作概述 4

3.3. 技术路线 5

3.4. 进度计划安排 6

第二部分 南京市浦口区江浦街道环北路南侧、江淼路北侧地块财务评价研究..................................7

第一章 绪论 8

1.1. 项目研究的意义 8

1.2. 文献综述 8

1.2.1. 国外财务评价研究发展 8

1.2.2. 国内财务评价研究发展 10

第二章 建设项目的基本情况 11

2.1. 建设项目的背景 11

2.1.1. 项目背景 11

2.1.2. 进行项目建设的必要性 11

2.2. 建设项目的功能分析 11

2.3. 建设项目可行性研究的编制依据 12

2.4. 项目的结论和建议 12

第三章 市场分析 13

3.1. 该区域的房地产市场的发展概况 13

3.2. 区域内的目标对象的研究分析 13

3.3. 建设项目的SWOT分析 13

3.3.1. 该建设项目的优势 13

3.3.2. 本建设项目的劣势 14

3.3.3. 该建设项目的机遇 14

3.3.4. 本建设项目的挑战 14

3.4. 项目定位 14

第四章 建设项目的实施进度安排 15

第五章 建设项目的方案比选 16

5.1. 建设项目设计方案说明 16

5.2. 开发方案分析 19

第六章 投资估算分析 20

6.1. 项目资金筹措分析 20

6.2. 借款还本付息计算表 21

6.3. 投资成本分析 22

6.3.1. 投资成本估算表编制说明 22

6.4. 销售收入分析 24

6.5. 项目总投入资金估算表 25

第七章 房地产建设项目财务评价分析 26

7.1. 项目财务报表编制 26

7.1.1. 利润及利润分配表 26

7.1.2. 现金流量表 27

7.1.3. 资金来源与运用明细表 28

7.2. 建设项目的财务评价 29

7.2.1. 项目的现金流分析 30

7.2.2. 项目的资金来源与运用分析 30

7.2.3. 项目的静态盈利能力分析 30

7.2.4. 项目的动态盈利能力分析 31

7.2.5. 建设项目的偿债能力分析 32


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