
 2023-08-08 07:08


摘 要



Abstrect: With the development of society and the progress of the times, art education has been given special connotations in today"s society. Art education has become an important part of quality education. It has a great influence on the needs of humanistic quality and personal aesthetic quality, and the significance of appreciation and commentary is becoming more and more prominent. During the internship, we have learned that: Taking the beauty of architectural art as an example, it is difficult for students to appreciate and comment on the students. The students are more sensitive to listening to the teacher"s "story telling", boring and lacking in the expression of the art language. According to the requirements of the 2011 edition of the art curriculum standards for compulsory education, we should pay more attention to the active participation of students and arouse students" subjective awareness. In order to change the boring teaching methods in the past, we explore new teaching methods. Therefore, this article will discuss this, by making the architectural art into the classroom, enriching the students" vision, providing a good beginning for the appreciation and commentary into the classroom, so that they can feel the use of knowledge in life.

Key words: Art, art class, appreciation and comment


1 绪论 3

1.1 研究意义和目的 3

1.2 研究方法 3

1.2.1文献分析法 3

1.2.2问卷调查法 3

2 欣赏述评走进小学课堂 3

2.1欣赏述评相关概念和研究综述 3

2.2 2011版《义务教育美术课程标准》对“欣赏评述“领域的要求 4

2.3小学生对建筑艺术的欣赏述评的调查问卷分析 5

2.3.1小学生对建筑艺术的认知程度 5

2.3.2小学生对建筑艺术的兴趣 6

2.3.3小学生对欣赏述评的态度 6

2.3.4反馈“欣赏评述”课存在的问题 6

3 欣赏评述领域现阶段现象——以《建筑艺术的美》一课为例 7

3.1实证案例——以《建筑艺术的美》一课为例 7

3.1.1教案 7

3.1.2丰宁第一小学实习有感 9

3.2“欣赏评述”领域新实践 9

3.2.1“欣赏评述”领域新要求 9

3.2.2“欣赏评述”领域教学新方法 9

3.3从实践中保障学生“欣赏评述”能力的提升 10

3.4新方法的实施 12

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1 绪论

    1. 研究意义和目的

首先,根据2011版《义务教育美术课程标准》中的要求, 应注重学生的积极参与,激发学生的主体意识。其次,现阶段由于欣赏述评课程在教学上有一定的难度,很多教师和学校也做了一些新的探索,但是成效还不太明显,因此通过建筑艺术的美这一课程的研究作为其参考,为其探索提供指导和建设性意见。再次,经过实习期间的深刻体会:欣赏建筑对于学生有一定的难度,更多的感受就是枯燥,缺乏兴趣,为改变以往的授课方式,使学生感受欣赏评述更贴近他们的生活,探究新的教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。因此,本文将对此进行探析,希望通过让建筑艺术走进课堂丰富教学内容,为述评走进课堂提供指导性的建议,同时让学生感受欣赏评述在生活中的运用。通过调查探究,丰富“欣赏评述”领域的课堂教学方法,带领学生共同感知、欣赏、传承身边的建筑艺术。

1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 文献分析法


1.2.2 问卷调查法


2 欣赏述评走进小学课堂


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