
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

摘要 1

引言 3

1 公益纪录片的价值和现状分析 3

1.1 公益纪录片的价值 3

1.2 我国公益纪录片的发展现状 3

2 公益纪录片中剪辑技巧的概述 4

2.1 纪录片剪辑的流程和软件的使用 4

2.2 公益纪录片剪辑的节奏 5

3 结合案例具体分析公益纪录片中剪辑技巧的运用 5

3.1 叙事式剪辑技巧和表现式剪辑技巧 5

3.2 镜头组接的技法 7

3.3 场景的转换 8

3.4 声画关系的处理 10

3.4.1 解说词与画面之间的处理 10

3.4.2 背景音乐与画面之间的处理 11

3.4.3 同期声与画面之间的处理 11

3.4.4 音响与画面之间的处理 12

结束语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14




Abstract: The main subject of the public welfare documentary is the people's daily life and social problems with distinctive characteristics of the times. Editing is a very important task in the production of the public welfare documentary. Therefore, in the process of editing, it is necessary to focus on how to skillfully use editing techniques in order for the public welfare documentary to maximize its artistic value and social cognitive value. The author of this article selects the classic cases of domestic and international public welfare documentaries and combines graduation design to elaborate the editing techniques of the public welfare documentaries. Finally, it is concluded that the editing techniques and techniques of the public welfare documentary should continue to innovate and enrich with the development of the times, and the editors must use these editing techniques ingeniously to bring more visual and audio effects to the audience and aesthetics experience to attract the interest of the audience, so that the audience through the video to recognize and think about the reality of social problems exist, so as to enhance the public awareness of charity, and promote the development of China's public welfare.

Key words: documentary;editing technique; public welfare








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