
 2023-08-04 10:08


摘 要

随着当今社会的发展,绿色和生态已经成为了当今社会的热门话题。人类求生的欲望有五点:一需要清洁无污染的空气;二需要干净无污染的水;三需要人与人之间的交流;四需要干净而整洁的居住环境;五需要充足的日光照射。而这些基本要求的背后缺少不了绿色的身影。绿色已经是当今社会当人不让的话题。自古以来,多少文人隐士的君子在绿色的熏陶之下,做出了出淤泥而不染的诗词。而社会的进步,那么简单而又机械化的生活,慢慢的侵蚀着人们仅存的坚韧。伴随着是人们对生活的向往与追求,人们厌倦枯燥而又机械化的的社会追求,开始追求着向往着高品质的生活。绿色的生态中,黑松是那么的突出。它不需要谁来施肥浇灌,它也不需要多么肥美的地势,风吹不倒它,水淹不没它,霜寒冻不死它,干旱旱不死它。这是需要多么顽强的生命力和多么坚韧的意志力。在人们追求高质量生活追求下,代表着绿色坚韧的书店主题应然而生. 书店是文明的发源地,书籍是文明的开始,也是文明的延续。黑松林主题书店正是代表着两者相结合的产物。根据这一个主题,将一些与黑松有关的元素运用到设计当中。比如将素水泥.建筑自有的结构与黑松原木的结合,总之将一切关于黑松的元素运用到设计当中,渲染一种不经修饰和陈旧复古的自然味道。


Abstract: with the development of society, green and ecology have become a hot topic. There are five points to human"s desire for survival: first, clean air; second, clean and clean water; third, communication between people; (4) clean and clean living environment; and (5) adequate sunlight. And these basic requirements behind the lack of green figure. Green has been a topic that people don"t let go in today"s society. Since ancient times, how many literati hermit gentleman under the green edification, produced the silt but does not dye the poem. And social progress, so simple and mechanized life, slowly Eroding the only tenacity that people have left. Along with people"s yearning and pursuit of life, people are tired of the boring and mechanized social pursuit, and begin to pursue the pursuit of high quality life. In the green ecology, black pine is so prominent. It does not need anyone to fertilize and irrigate, it does not need what a fat terrain, the wind can not blow it, water not without it, frost and cold does not die it, drought does not die it. It takes so much tenacious vitality and tenacious willpower. In the pursuit of high-quality life, represents the green tough bookstore theme should be born. Bookstores are the birthplace of civilization, books are the beginning of civilization, and It is a continuation of civilization. Black pine forest theme bookstore is the combination of the two represents the product. Based on this theme, some elements related to black pine are applied to the design. Such as plain cement. The combination of the building"s own structure and the black pine log, in short, applies all the elements of the black pine to the design, rendering a natural flavor that is not embellished and antiquated.

Keywords: Theme Book Bar, Black Pine elements, Industrial style, Spatial Design

目 录

1 前言 6

2 设计背景 6

2.1 设计项目概况 6

2.2 设计项目现状条件 6

3 设计目的和意义 6

4 设计方案概述 7

4.1 设计初步构想 7

4.2 设计思路 7

4.3 设计内容 8

5 设计内容分析 12

5.1 原始结构图到布置图 12

5.2 空间效果图 13

6 方案的创新与不足 16

6.1 方案的创新 16

6.2 方案的不足 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19

1 前言



图1 车站阅读 图片来源:网络


2 设计背景

2.1 设计项目概况


图2 书把地图 图片来源:网络

2.2 设计项目现状条件



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