
 2022-03-15 08:03


摘 要






For a movie, the importance of split lens design is self-evident, split lens plays a role in guiding the operation of the whole movie during the whole movie production process, but generally when you get split lens, you can already expect the effect of the movie. This is also the role of split mirror design in the creation of animation short films. However, the design of the real split mirror is only the most basic part to meet the needs of the script. How to promote the plot more smoothly, show the theme more deeply, depict the characters more carefully and integrate all the elements of the short film perfectly is a good split mirror design.

The split mirror design is based on the needs of the script, but it cannot be limited to the script. The script has already stipulated the general content of the split lens, but some details still need to be directly converted into pictures by the split lens, so that we can more intuitively understand whether the short film can be produced and the points needing attention in the production process, so the split lens design has important guiding significance for the realization of a short film.

However, the sub-lens design in the animated short film "Supervision" and "Control" is mainly to combine the two intertwined clues in the animated short film, namely, the irresponsibility of the young mother and the liveliness of the baby, so as to show the theme more deeply and depict the characters in more detail. The lens design of the whole short film combines some classic lenses, and comprehensively uses the knowledge of split lens design to make the alternation of the two clues of the whole animation appear more smooth and natural. Of course, there are still some shortcomings and regrets in the lens design of the short film. This article will focus on comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the sub-lens design of the animated short film "Supervision" and "Control".

Key words: Storyboard; Storyboard design; Animation

目 录

日程安排 Ⅰ

摘要 Ⅱ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 前言 1

第二章 课题调研分析 2

第三章 设计创作过程 3

3.1故事梗概 3

3.2故事浅析 4

3.3分镜设计简析 4

3.3.1对剧情的作用 6

3.3.2对主题的作用 7

3.3.3对人物的作用 9

第四章 设计体会 10

参考文献 14

致谢 15

  1. 前言




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