
 2022-01-18 12:01


目 录

1引言 1

2动画片头的概述 1

2.1动画片头的构成 1

2.2动画片头的特点 2

2.3动画片头的作用 2

3动画片头视觉效果的艺术性塑造 2

3.1叙事节奏的明快性 2

3.2镜头语言的巧妙运用 3

3.3视觉构成的对比与夸张 4

4动画片头听觉效果的艺术性塑造 5

4.1配音的夸张性 5

4.2配乐的强力节奏表达 6

5个人毕业动画短片的片头设计 7

5.1镜头语言的应用 7

5.2画面构成的应用 7

5.3配音配乐的应用 8

6结语 8

参考文献 8

致谢 10




Abstract: With the development of animation industry and the growing prosperity of people's life, the pursuit of spirit is increasing, the film is no longer a brief introduction, more is a kind of paving, is the epitome of the essence of the overall style of the film. A good movie is not only for telling a good story, but more importantly, how to tell a good story, so the artistic quality of the movie begins to improve continuously. This article analyzes the artistic creation of the animation film head, and explores the art molding means of the animation film head. Under the leading role of the film head, starting from the elements of the film and head, we will explore the matching points of the form, the technique of expression and the theme and content of the animation. From the visual angle and the auditory angle, this paper analyzes the means of improving the artistic effect of the animation film, including the quick and concise treatment of the narrative rhythm, the ingenious use of the lens language, the contrast and exaggeration of the visual composition and the theme of the dubbing. Finally, combined with the personal graduation design, the application of presentation techniques in graduation design is analyzed.

Key words: animation;artistic;film head





早期,动画片诞生之初,片头都非常的简单直接,例如第一部动画片《一张滑稽面孔的幽默姿态》(如图2-1),它的片头就是介绍本片的片名“The Humorous phases of Funny Faces”和一些小的装饰图案构成,还有《威利号汽船》(如图2-2)除了片名之外介绍了相关的制作人,以及男女主人公的形象。


图2-2 《威利号汽船》

图2-1 《一张滑稽面孔的幽默姿态》


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