
 2022-06-26 11:06


摘 要




With the rapid growth of the economy and the development of society, people’s ideology has also to diversified, the divorce rate in China has steadily increased year by year. The key to the paper is to place the analysis of marriage and family relations into the divorce dispute of “Ma Bao”. The paper starts with the divorce dispute of “Ma Bao” from the court, mainly adopting the field investigation method, communicating with 8 people involved in the case, including 4 judges,a clerk,a judicial officer and related staff of the case, giving an explain to the text analysis to study the reasons for the divorce dispute of “Ma Bao” and the social significance behind it. The paper starts with the concrete manifestation of the "Ma Bao" divorce dispute and applies theories of gender temperament construction, women's status changes, and neo-familism, putting divorce disputes into daily life to reserch, and then discusses the transformation of family relationships and patterns for guiding role and significance of marriage. The study found that in China where the rise of the neo-familism doctrine, the return of parental rights has made the family vertical parent-child relationship once again become the core of family relations. The “Ma Bao” family is a typical example of it, with the strengthening of intergenerational relationships, the weakening of the relationship between husband and wife, the personality deficiencies of “Ma Bao”, and excessive parental intervention in small families, which makes the phenomenon that the divorce dispute of “Ma Bao” becomes more and more common. The paper aims to discover new research directions for the Chinese-original "Ma Bao" divorce dispute from the perspective of neo-familism, and at the same time interprets the special cases of divorce disputes so as to provide reasonable guidance for the education to the children.

KEY WORDS: Divorce Disputes; "Ma Bao"; Neo-Familyism; Women's Status; Sex Temperament


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

第一节 问题的提出 1

第二节 研究意义 1

一 理论意义 1

二 现实意义 1

第三节 文献综述 2

一 国内离婚问题研究综述 2

二 女性社会地位研究综述 4

三 新家庭主义研究综述 5

第四节 研究综述评述 5

第五节 “妈宝”概念界定 6

第六节 研究方法与研究对象 7

一 研究方法 7

二 研究对象 7

第二章 “妈宝”离婚纠纷的酝酿与表现 9

第一节 “妈宝”气质对未婚女性的吸引 9

第二节 “妈宝”离婚纠纷的具体表现 10

一 “妈宝”方父母对子代婚姻生活的高度参与 10

二 “妈宝”在庭审过程中的极度不作为 11

三 当事人自身及其父母对“妈宝”事实的无意识 12

第三章 “妈宝”离婚纠纷的原因分析 14

第一节 “妈宝”家庭特征 14

第二节 “妈宝”性别气质的建构 14

一 国家:计划生育政策 14

二 社会:“官本位”文化 14

三 家庭:教育方式——以母亲为主 15

第三节 女性地位的提升 15

第四节 新家庭主义的崛起 16

第五节 中国特色的个体主义——“无公德的个人” 17

第四章 “妈宝”离婚纠纷中的个体性差异 20

第五章 结论与讨论 22

第一节 结论 22

第二节 讨论 22

第三节 创新与不足 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25

第一章 绪论

第一节 问题的提出




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