清洁能源政策实施背景下蜂窝煤企业的重组与适应 ——以XC镇为例

 2022-04-21 09:04


摘 要




This study focuses on how institutional environment affects corporate restructuring and how firms restructure and adapt. Taking the honeycomb-honeycomb enterprise in XC town as an example, semi-structured interviews were conducted with practitioners, consumers and relevant staff of government environmental protection departments in the honeycomb-honeycomb enterprise in XC town, and abundant first-hand materials were obtained. The research USES the research framework of new institutionalism, and the rules of accountability and punishment in the system put forward requirements for enterprises and practitioners. Faced with the ever-changing external institutional environment, enterprises will first maintain their business by "relationship" in the principle of reason. When the relationship is not feasible, they will choose to adapt to the requirements of legality and carry out normative transformation in the aspects of contract, property right, credit, competition, technology and social responsibility. As for the reorganization process of enterprises, in addition to transportation and resources, they also pursue customization in site selection. To expand the scale of equipment acquisition and recombination; Women and the elderly gradually break away from honeycombed enterprises, middle-aged men become the labor force needed by honeycombed enterprises. According to the research, the relationship in the principle of reason provides a buffer zone for enterprises to adapt to the changing institutional environment. As a system, policies should not only focus on rationality, but also allow some time for enterprises to adapt, provide corresponding support for enterprises' transformation, and pay attention to livelihood issues, rather than just put forward requirements for enterprises.

KEY WORDS: Institutional environment, restructuring and adaptation, relationships, legitimacy

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、 绪论 1

(一) 研究背景与问题提出 1

(二) 文献回顾与核心概念 2

1. 文献回顾 2

2. 概念界定 4

(三) 研究设计与分析框架 4

1. 理论视角与分析框架 4

2. 研究地点与访谈对象 5

3. 研究方法 6

二、 转型期的当地环境分析 7

(一) 能源结构情况 7

(二) 自然环境 7

三、 蜂窝煤企业的缘起与发展历程 9

(一) 家庭经营 9

(二) 职业经营 11

四、 蜂窝煤企业的重组与适应 13

(一) 面临效率与合法性困境 13

1. 合法性困境 13

2. 效率困境 14

(二) 重组与适应 14

1. 重新选址 14

2. 整合设备 15

3. 人员重组 15

(三) 行动逻辑 16

1. 情理原则:走关系 17

2. 法理原则:合法化 17

(四) 下岗与失业 18

五、 结论与讨论 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 24




2016-2018年间,晋城市屡被点名批评未完成环保指标。山西晋城环境执法力度不足[24];晋城市在京津冀及周边地区“2 26”城市空气质量改善目标中排名倒数第一, 是唯一一个两项目标任务(PM2.5平均浓度、重污染天数)都未完成的城市[23]。随之,晋城市副市长被问责;环保部门加大执法力度;数多污染企业面临整改、甚至关停的问题。


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