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摘 要



An Empirical Study on the Correlation Between R amp; D Expenditure and Corporate Performance of Small and Medium Sized Board Listed Companies


With the development of The Times, the topic is more and more clearly aware of the importance of " mass entrepreneurship and innovation ". However, with the gradual development of small and medium-sized enterprises in a large number in the national economy and become the largest enterprise group and main driving force, innovation-driven development has achieved remarkable results. At the same time, the correlation between Ramp;D expenditure of Small and medium board listed company and enterprise performance is a long problem that disturbs enterprise managers. This paper mainly selects return on equity and Ramp;D intensity as factors and independent variables, and hopes to provide reference and suggestions for how enterprise managers and investors can obtain high levels of enterprise performance through empirical analysis. This paper first adopts the literature research method, by collecting and analyzing the research results of Chinese and foreign academic expenditure and enterprise performance, and form the scientific understanding of the research expenditure and enterprise performance, then provide the theoretical system, and create a scientific theoretical system to point out the research direction for the paper. Secondly, through descriptive statistics and correlation analysis methods, small and medium-sized enterprises from 2015 to 2019 were studied, and through empirical research we clarified the impact of enterprises on the operating benefits of research activities. Preliminary statistics on the basic features of the study sample related variables selected in this paper. Finally, the regression results are explained by the previous hypothesis and the relevant theory. The empirical results show that the current research and development expenditure and the enterprise performance show a negative correlation. In the 21 st century, under the national policy of encouraging national innovation, enterprises can promote some can encourage research and development staff enthusiasm of appropriate encouragement, and then can promote enterprise spending for research and development, enhance the level of innovation of the enterprise, complete the strategic goals in the current competitive market, so as to gain a firm foothold in the fierce market.

Key words: Ramp;D expenditure; Enterprise performance; Small and medium board listed company

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 相关概念界定 5

1.2.1 中小企业的界定 5

1.2.2 中小板上市公司的研究与开发 5

1.2.3 企业绩效 5

1.3 研究方法及思路 5

1.4 论文框架 6

第二章 相关文献综述 7

2.1 研发支出对于企业绩效的影响 7

2.2 研发支出与企业绩效相关性 7

第三章 研究假设 9

3.1 研发支出对企业绩效水平之间存在一种先升后降的倒U型关系 9

3.2 研发支出与当期的企业绩效呈现负相关 9

第四章 模型设计 10

4.1 样本来源 10

4.2 变量定义与模型设计 10

4.2.1 被解释变量 10

4.2.2 解释变量 10

4.2.3 控制变量 10

4.2.4回归模型构建 11

第五章 实证分析 12

5.1 描述性统计与相关性分析 12

5.1.1 描述性统计 12

5.1.2 相关性分析 12

5.2 回归分析 13

5.3 稳健性检验 15

第六章 相应对策和措施 16

6.1 研究结论 16

6.2 相关建议 16

6.3 局限与展望 16

致谢 18

参考文献 19

绪 论

自从开始进行改革开放,我国的科技开始了飞速进步,国家领导人多次强调把科技发展作为推动国家进步的重要力量,而创新也成为衡量一个企业能否在竞争激烈的市场中存活下来的重要指标。我国强调科技是第一发展力,并提出要在2023年大幅度提升我国经济实力以及科技实力。为了与国家政策呼应,各大企业也加大了研发创新活动的投入力度,而中小企业更是成为国民经济中占据最多的企业群体和主要驱动力。与此同时,中小板上市公司对于研发的投入支出与企业绩效之间的关系成为了制约企业发展的重要因素,研发投入与企业创新水平的高低有着密不可分的关系,创新水平的高低又影响着企业绩效水平,但是由于各个企业的研发投入差距较大且创新成果转化存在时间滞后性,Ramp;D 与企业绩效之间的关系尚未形成统一的结论。通过梳理国内外文献,结合国内近几年具体实情,探索中小板上市公司研发支出与企业绩效的相关性。

1.1 研究背景与意义

早在19世纪初,政治经济学家熊彼特主张创新经济学理论。不少经济学者也陆续研发对企业的经济效益起着不可忽视的作用,而研发支出与企业绩效具体存在着怎样的影响也成为困扰众多学者的一个关键问题。自改革开放以来,人们越来越重视科学技术的发展,许多国家都把科技进步放在第一位,而人们的日常生活也逐渐离不开科技的运用。企业对于研发投入的费用在企业费用总额中比重越来越大,而目前这种状况,极大地提升了了企业的核心竞争力,也在不断推动着企业的发展。十九大报告多次强调到“能够早日利用创新技术形成强大的市场竞争优势,充分利用好研发创新支出,是是国家能够稳定发展的必要战略手段”。根据香港《南华早报》的报道,2018 年中国大陆在研发创新活动上共支出 1.96 万亿元人民币,且在全球研发费用排名位居第二名,仅排名在美国之后。创新是我国经济发展的动力,企业是经济发展的主体,Ramp;D的投入决定企业在创新能力方面的好坏,适当的研发支出会使企业达到经济效益最大化。公司研发支出象征和代表着企业在现在以及未来愿为创新付出的成本,是企业获取创新的重要来源。根据收集到的相关资料表示,我国去年总共在研发创新方面花费24426亿元,与上年相比增长10.3%,此外,自2016年以来,我国研发经费支出逐年上升,2020年国家对于研发创新活动的支出较2016年增长了8749亿元,通过图表中的资料我们可以看出研发创新活动在我国的地位越来越显著。


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