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摘 要







Population problem is an important factor that affects economic development. Since our country has a vast territory and a large population base, there exists signicantly different in different regions, which makes it difficult to control the population. Since the implementation of the family planning policy in 1978, the population has been effectively controlled. But it has also led to the emergence of new problems in our country, the rapid arrival of population aging makes the social pressure surge. In order to alleviate this situation, our country began the implementation of a separate two child policy in 2014, and began to implement the "comprehensive child" policy in 2016. Our country's population quantity and the structure will have huge changes, therefore we need to make the accurate forecast to our country population. which has an important strategic significance for the country to control the healthy and harmonious development of population.

The population prediction itself has great complexity, which is directly or indirectly related to many factors. We can't put all the factors into the prediction process, so we choose the gray model to predict the total population. In this paper, the grey GM (1,1) model is used to fit the population of the population in the next 10 years and 40 years, Using the data in 1995-2014 in our country. The relatively accurate data obtained from this model prediction is that in 2024 the population of our country will reach the 1 billion 456 million. We can find that in the grey model short-term fitting on the population of our country is very good and the error is very small, but for long-term prediction results has deviated from the reality: China's total population in the future without limitation to a similar linear growth from the results obtained. After the model improvement, we developed the metabolic model, but we can not eliminate the disadvantages of the gray model too dependent on the original data.

In order to predict the effects of the two child policy on the quantity and structure of population in our country, We use LESLIE model to predict population according to age group. In this paper, the comparison of the predicted and the original family planning policy, the second single child policy, "comprehensive child" policy of population quantity and structure are investigated. It can be seen from the analysis of China's population structure in 2015: The population structure of our country is obviously uneven distribution. There is a large proportion of the population imbalance between men and women and uneven distribution of age, there is a clear peak and trough problem. In the first policy China's population will be reached 1 billion and 459million around 2028 and there is an obvious turning point, After that, the population began to accelerate down over time, the population dependency ratio began to decline around 2025 and reached its lowest point in 2027, and then continued to rise; After the implementation of the single child policy, The growth rate of population increase, the inflection point of population appeared in advance, And the population has continued to grow, not falling, The growth rate of the population dependency ratio was greater than before, and then the growth rate slowed down, slowly close to and less than the original level of family planning; After the "comprehensive child policy implementation, there is not a significant turning point in Population growth, but the growth has slowed in the middle of a certain stage. The growth rate of population dependency ratio continued to increase over the year before 2025, and decline in a steady state during the period of 2025-2034 , Which began to slowly rise since 2034.

In this paper, the total population, population structure and population dependency ratio of the three policies are compared and studied, which shows that our country is about to enter the aging society. The new population policy has a very good effect on the uneven distribution of population age in China, and has a good effect on the peak and trough, which is drawn from the analysis of the influence of the two new policies on the trend of population. It can promote the normal development of China's population.

Key Words: Population growth; grey model; LESLIE population model; population dependency rat

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 1

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

第2章 灰色预测人口模型 4

2.1 我国出生率、死亡率、自然增长率的变化 4

2.2 灰色预测人口模型简介 4

2.3 灰色系统的人口预测建模 5

2.4 灰色预测人口模型检验 6

2.5 中国人口预测与实证分析 6

2.6 基于灰色人口预测的新陈代谢模型 8

2.7 本章总结 9

第3章 Leslie人口模型 11

3.1 原计划生育政策下的leslie人口模型 11

3.1.1 模型的建立 11

3.1.2 模型的求解 12

3.2 2015年人口数量和结构分析 15

3.3 “单独二胎”政策下的leslie模型 16

3.3.1 模型的建立 16

3.3.2 模型的求解 16

3.4 “全面二胎”政策下的leslie模型 18

3.4.1 模型的建立 18

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