
 2022-01-20 12:01


目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

引言 3

1材料与方法 3

1.1试验地点 3

1.2试验方案 3

1.3土壤呼吸测定方法 4

1.4环境因子测定方法 4

1. 5 土壤酶活性的测定方法 4

1.6统计分析 4

2结果与分析 5

2.1增温对农田土壤呼吸的影响 5

2.2秸秆施用农田土壤呼吸的影响 8

2.3增温及秸秆施用农田土壤呼吸的影响 8

2.4环境因子对农田土壤呼吸的影响 9

2.5土壤脲酶、转化酶及过氧化氢酶活性 10

3讨论 11

3.1增温对农田土壤呼吸的影响 11

3.2秸秆施用对农田土壤呼吸的影响 12

3.3 土壤呼吸与酶活性的关系 12

4结论 13

参考文献 13

致谢 16




Abstract:In the test-bed of winter wheat and soybeans (plant winter wheat in November 2014 to May 2015, soybean in July 2015 to October 2015 ), it is seted up with three kinds of treatment, and using the blank processing for comparison, to observe warming, straw application, and warming influence on soil respiration.With the application of related instruments to observe the rate of change of the soil temperature (℃), soil moisture (%), and soil CO2 emissions (μmol·(m2·s)-1), calculated by weighted average method,winter wheat season average soil respiration rate are(μmol·(m2·s)-1), it is 1.46 μmol·(m2·s)-1(control group), it is 1.96 μmol·(m2·s)-1(warmer group),it is 1.92 μmol·(m2·s)-1(straw application group), it is 2.45 μmol·(m2·s)-1(warming and straw application group), the average soil respiration rate of the soybean season are (μmol·(m2·s)-1),it is 2.05 μmol·(m2·s)-1(control group),it is 3.13 μmol·(m2·s)-1(warmer group),it is 2.58 μmol·(m2·s)-1(straw application group),it is 3.60 μmol·(m2·s)-1(warming and straw application group), the average soil respiration rate of the winter wheat soybean crop rotation (μmol·(m2·s)-1), it is 1.71 μmol·(m2·s)-1(control group), it is 2.47 (warmer group),it is 2.20 μmol·(m2·s)-1(straw application group),it is 2.95 μmol·(m2·s)-1(warming and straw application group) ,with the analysis of variance, three treatment teams is quite different with the zero treatment group significantly (P lt; 0.05).

Based on soil urease, invertase and catalase enzyme activities and soil respiration season season average average linear regression, in winter wheat in the soil, soil respiration of winter wheat and invertase of winter wheat is linear related in P value which is 0.013, and hydrogen peroxide enzyme of winter wheat exists the linear relationship of P value which is 0.002.In soybean soil, soil respiration is linear related with urease activity in P value which is 0.028.

Key words: warming; soil respiration; straw application; enzyme activity; winter wheat;soybean




每年在农田都有大量的秸秆产生,秸秆是否施用,怎么施用对农田土壤 CO2排放通量变化具有显著影响[5],禁止秸秆在农田自行燃烧是为防止大气CO2增加,秸秆直接还田是当今秸秆资源利用的主渠道[6],秸秆还田也作为一项有效农业管理方法,通过改善土壤物理、化学、生物性质提高土壤质量和作物产量[7],被大力地推广与应用,研究秸秆施用对农田生态系统土壤呼吸的影响,可为了解全球气候变暖和全球碳循环规律提供基础数据和理论依据[8]




农业气象试验站( 32. 16°N,118. 86°E) ,在冬小麦和大豆轮作的实验田(在2014年11月~2015年5月,种植冬小麦,在2015年7月~2015年10月,种植大豆)观测试验. 据往年资料,年平均降水量为1100 mm左右,多年平均气温为 15.6 ℃,试验地土壤类型为黄棕壤,耕层土壤黏粒的百分含量为26.1%,土壤 pH值为6. 3,有机碳为 19. 4 g·kg-1和全氮含量为 1. 45 g·kg-1[9]



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