
 2022-10-18 10:10


摘 要


关键词: 炉温; PID;采集卡; MFC ;计算机网络

Computer network furnace temperature constant value PID control system based on data acquisition card - field end


The development of computer technology is changing with each passing day. With the advent of the 21st century, people have more deeply felt the increasingly important role played by computers in various fields such as life and scientific research. Especially in recent years, the development of VLSI technology has leapfrogged, and the performance of the microcomputer is higher and the price is cheaper. In modern industrial production, the requirements for process control are getting higher and higher. It is necessary to master the use method of data acquisition card and the transmission characteristics of the hardware control system itself. The data acquisition card is connected to the furnace temperature test platform at the field end. It can complete various functions of the traditional cable system, can perform parameter monitoring, display parameter values, and transmit related information to the control terminal through the network. The control terminal can also perform remote control of parameters on the field through the network. Realize two-way interaction between the console and the field. Then use the MFC design program to realize the ideal control of the furnace temperature control system based on the data exchange function of the data acquisition card and the efficient and stable PID algorithm.

Key words: furnace temperature ,PID ,acquisition card ,MFC ,computer network


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.1.1 PCI总线多功能卡简介 1

1.2计算机控制系统 2

1.2.1计算机控制系统的分类 2

1.2.2各种语言开发环境和PCI-1711卡 3

1.3 课题的主要任务及解决的关键问题 3

第二章PID控制设计 4

2.1 PCI-1711卡在Visual C 开发环境下编程(模拟量) 4

2.1.1 PCI-1711采集卡的库函数(模拟量)简介 4

2.1.2一个简单的模拟量输入输出例子 12

2.2 温度控制实现 21

2.2.1 温度控制背景知识 21

第三章 系统设计 23

3.1炉温控制系统简介 23

3.1.1基本原理 23

3.1.2 计算机系统模块 24

3.1.3 炉体模块 24

3.1.4 控制装置模块 25

第四章 编程设计实现及说明 27

4.1温度控制 27

第五章 总结 40

致谢 41

参考文献 42

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景

1.1.1 PCI总线多功能卡简介

研华科技是全球e化电子平台服务 (ePlatform Service) 的领导厂商。长期以来致力于符合客户特殊应用需求的计算机平台设计与开发,帮助系统集成商在各领域提供多种满足客户需求的增值解决方案及服务。研华科技提供多达450种以上的产品及解决方案,包括工业数据采集/通讯/控制,计算平台,板卡及平板电脑,外围设备及组件。研华提供PCI总线的一系列多功能卡。其先进的电路设计技术提供了更高的质量和更多的功能,它包含五种最需要的检测和控制功能:A/D转换、D/A转换、数字量输入、数字量输出、计数器/定时器。


(1)PCI-1710 PCI-1710HG


特点:◆ 16路单端或8路差分模拟量输入,或组合输入方式


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