
 2022-05-06 09:05


摘 要






Optical combs have important applications in many areas, and their efficient production is the basis of their applications. Unlike conventional optical combs based on mode-locked lasers, microcavity-based combs have the advantages of small size and easy integration. In this thesis, we summarize the mechanism of the optical comb. We produced a comb in the experiment and observed the soliton state of the combs.

In this thesis, we first introduce the characteristics of the whispering-gallery-mode microcavities and the development and application of the optical combs. Secondly, the generation mechanism of the frequency comb in the microcavities is introduced, including dispersion effect, thermal effect, self-phase modulation and cross-phase modulation caused by Kerr effect, four-wave mixing, and so on. We also introduce the basic requirements for generating optical combs in microcavities, including high Q values to ensure effective establishment of the field in the microcavities and the anomalous dispersion to ensure compensation of the cavity mode redshift caused by the Kerr effect and thermal effect. The optical combs are finally produced under influence of these combined effects. Then, using finite element simulation, we calculate the influence of different modes and sizes of the microcavities on the dispersion. The higher the mode order, the more complex the dispersion is. Only the influence of the second-order dispersion parameter on the fundamental mode needs to be considered, which is parabolic. Regarding the higher-order modes, the effects of the higher order dispersion parameters cannot be neglected. The fiber taper is coupled to the microcavity, and then the frequency combs in the microcavities as well as the evolution process of the optical combs are observed in the experiment. The parametric oscillation results in generation of the first pair of sidebands. Then when the detuning is reduced, the primary combs and the subcombs appear. Eventually, the combs evolve into the chaotic states.

The double pumping is employed to suppress the thermal effect. A series of discrete step-like transmission spectra are observed at the effective red detuning, and a smooth envelope spectral profile is observed in the frequency domain. This indicates appearance of the soliton. The soliton state of the microcavity frequency comb once again enlarges the application range of the optical comb.

KEYWORDS: WGM microcavity, dispersion, thermal effect, Kerr effect, optical frequency comb, soliton

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2光学微腔 1

1.3回音壁模微腔 2

1.4光学频率梳 3

1.4.1光纤频率梳 3

1.4.2微腔频率梳 4

1.5微腔频率梳的孤子状态 5

1.6本论文工作及研究意义 6

第二章 微腔频率梳的产生机制 7

2.1回音壁模微腔的特征参数 7

2.1.1品质因子 7

2.1.2自由光谱范围 8

2.1.3模式体积 8

2.2光纤锥-微腔耦合理论 8

2.2.1耦合方法 9

2.2.2耦合模方程 9

2.2.3相位匹配 12

2.3热效应 12

2.4色散效应 14

2.5微腔中的非线性效应 16

2.5.1Kerr效应 17

2.5.2自相位调制 17

2.5.3交叉相位调制 18

2.5.4四波混频 19

2.6光学频率梳的产生机制 20

2.6.1光纤频率梳的产生机制 20

2.6.2微腔频率梳的产生机制 22

2.7本章小结 24

第三章 微腔频率梳的孤子状态 25

3.1孤子脉冲宽度 25

3.2色散对孤子的影响 26

3.3热效应和失谐对孤子的影响 27

3.4本章小结 27

第四章 色散设计与测量方案 28

4.1色散设计 28

4.2色散测量方案 32

4.3本章小结 34

第五章 实验中孤子频率梳的产生 35

5.1微腔制作 35

5.2实验装置 35

5.3参数测量 36

5.3.1损耗校准 36

5.3.2测Q 37

5.4孤子频率梳产生 39

5.4.1光梳的演化 39

5.4.2孤子状态 43

5.5本章小结 48

第六章 总结与展望 49

参考文献 50

致 谢 55

第一章 绪论


回音壁模式(whispering-gallery modes,WGM)微腔因具有较高的品质因子、较小的模式体积以及易于集成等优点,成为一种极具潜力的光子学器件。WGM微腔中基于四波混频过程产生的频率梳,可以实现多波长光源、光孤子传输等,很好地满足未来光通信领域的发展需求。关于WGM微腔中频率梳的研究已经有超过十年的历史,近年,光孤子的发现,使微腔频率梳的研究进入到一个新的阶段。由于孤子状态的光梳具有相干性、宽光谱范围以及平滑包络光谱轮廓等特性,大大扩展了光梳的应用范围。





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