
 2022-05-19 10:05


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\title{椭圆曲线和相关问题的研究}{}{A Study on Elliptic Curves and Related Probelms}{subtitle}



% \degree{工学硕士} % 详细学位名称


\department{数学}{department name}






本文简单整合了椭圆曲线的定义、Mordell-Weil定理的证明、扭子群与秩的计算方法,并给出了椭圆曲线的秩在同余数验证上的一个简单应用. 椭圆曲线是一类结构相对简单的代数曲线,取定一个椭圆曲线对应的Weierstrass方程后,可以显式定义一个Abel群结构. 如果是定义在代数数域上的椭圆曲线,代数有理点在加法下封闭,域扩张的Galois群作用与加法可交换. 此时可以证明椭圆曲线代数有理点构成的群是有限生成的,称为椭圆曲线的Mordel-Weil群. 椭圆曲线Mordell-Weil群最简单的计算问题是计算扭子群,这在有理数域上可以比较容易地利用约化曲线和判别式计算得到. 而计算椭圆曲线的秩远比计算扭子群要困难的多. 本文介绍了两种计算椭圆曲线秩的方法,分别给出了算法步骤和具体算例,比较了两种算法各自的优势. 本文还考虑了椭圆曲线的一个简单的应用,给出了同余数验证问题与一类椭圆曲线秩的对应关系,并且这类曲线可以使用文中给出的一类求秩方法进行检验.


\begin{englishabstract}{Elliptic Curve, Mordell-Weil Group, Descent via 2-isogeny, General 2-descent, Congruent Number}

This paper is an introduction to the definition of elliptic curves, the proof of Mordell-Weil theorem and calculation methods of torsion groups and ranks of Mordell-Weil groups. To give an example of application, we determine whether an integer is a congruent number. An elliptic curve is an algebraic curve with comparatively better understood structure. If we have determined a Weierstrass equation for an elliptic curve, we can define an Abelian group structure explicitly for the points of the curve. If an elliptic curve is defined on an algebraic number field $K$. The $K$-rational points form a subgroup under the operations of the group. The Galois group actions commute with the operation of the group. We can prove the group of $K$-rational points is finitely generated. We call this group Mordell-Weil group. The easiest calculation problem of elliptic curves is to calculate the torsion subgroups. It can be done easily on the rational field with the help of reduced curves and discriminant. However, calculation of the rank is much hard than the problem of torsion subgroup. This paper will introduce two calculation methods of rank and give the algorithms and examples. The difference between these two methods will be discussed after that. In addition, this paper will discuss an application topic on elliptic curves. We will associate the positive integers with the elliptic curve with Weierstrass equation in a particular form. Using the method mentioned above, we can determine whether a positive integer is a congruent number.



% \begin{terminology}

% \begin{table}[h]

% \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.5}

% %\Large

% \begin{tabular}{gt;{\LARGE}m{0.2\textwidth} lt;{\centering}m{0.7\textwidth}}

% a amp; 如同汉字起源于象形,拉丁字母表中的每个字母一开始都是描摹某种动物或物体形状的图画\\

% bamp;和A一样,字母B也可以追溯到古代腓尼基。在腓尼基字母表中B叫beth,代表房屋,在希伯来语中B也叫beth,也含房屋之意。\\

% camp; 字母C在腓尼基人的文字中叫gimel,代表骆驼。它在字母表中的排列顺序和希腊字母Γ(gamma)相同,实际上其字形是从后者演变而来的。C在罗马数字中表示100。\\

% damp;D在古时是描摹拱门或门的形状而成的象形符号,在古代腓尼基语和希伯来语中叫做daleth,是“门”的意思,相当于希腊字母Δ(delta)。\\

% \end{tabular}

% %\caption{my table}

% \end{table}

% \end{terminology}

\begin{Main} % 开始正文





有两类形式最简单的丢番图方程已经得到了相当透彻的研究,也就是直线方程和二次型方程. 直线丢番图方程最为简单,比如下面的例子:


aX bY=c,\quad a,b,c\in\mathbb{Z}.





aX^2 bXY cY^2 dX eY f=0,\quad a\dots f\in\mathbb{Z},\quad a,b,c\mbox{不全为0}.




k_1X^2 k_2Y^2=k_3,\quad k_1,k_2,k_3\in\mathbb{Q}.




k_1X'^2 k_2Y'^2=k_3Z'^2.




(Hasse-Minkowski)有理系数二次型方程$\sum{k_iX_i^2}=0$在有理数域中有解当且仅当其在$\mathbb{Q}$所有素点的完备化域内都有解,即在所有$p$ 进数域$\mathbb{Q}_p$和实数域$\mathbb{R}$中有解.


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