
 2022-05-12 09:05





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\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\kaishu{\chaptername}~~~#1~}{}} %设置页眉章节








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\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{2}{复代数几何的基本概念}}\end{center}

\vskip 0.5cm

\begin{center}{\kaishu\zihao{4} 摘\ \ \ \ 要}


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{摘\ \ \ \ 要}

{\kaishu{\quad 黎曼曲面是一个历史悠久的课题,充满数学的独特魅力。复代数几何,在复分析,抽象代数以及拓扑的基础上,引入更多的定义与概念去解决黎曼曲面即一维复流形上的问题。本文首先简略地介绍了课题背景以及黎曼曲面课题的开拓者波恩哈德·黎曼及其生平。接着我们以黎曼曲面为切入点,介绍了黎曼曲面以及代数曲线的概念及它们之间的联系,提出了黎曼球面和复环面两种形象的例子,并介绍了拓扑概念上的亏格。然后我们在黎曼曲面的基础上定义了全纯函数和半纯函数,简要地介绍了一些定义性质。再通过全纯(半纯)函数我们定义了全纯(半纯)微分,得到了全纯微分的Stokes定理和留数定理。在此基础上,我们定义了微分形式。之后我们研究了平面代数曲线的奇点定义了$k$重点。之后定义了因子以及分歧因子的概念。同时我们了解了亏格公式及其意义。在因子全纯微分等概念的基础上我们做了一些必要的说明和定义以为黎曼-罗赫定理的叙述与证明做铺垫。最后我们成功叙述黎曼-罗赫定理并在黎曼球面的条件下完成证明。}}

\vskip 1cm \noindent{\kaishu 关键词: \ \ 黎曼面,\ 复分析,\ 抽象代数,\ 几何}



\begin{center}{\heiti \large Basic concepts of complex algebraic geometry}\end{center}

\vskip 0.5cm

\begin{center}{\rm\zihao{4} Abstract}




The Riemann surface is a long-standing subject, full of the unique charm of mathematics. Complex algebraic geometry, based on complex analysis, abstract algebra and topology, introduces more definitions and concepts to solve the problem of Riemann surfaces, ie one-dimensional complex manifolds. This article first briefly introduces the background of the subject and the pioneer of the Riemann surface project, Bonnhard Riemann and his life. Then we use the Riemann surface as the entry point, introduce the concept of Riemann surface and algebraic curve and the relationship between them, and put forward two examples of Riemann spherical and complex torus, and introduce the loss of topology concept. grid. Then we define the holomorphic function and the semi-pure function based on the Riemann surface, and briefly introduce some definition properties. Then we define the holomorphic (semi-pure) differential by the purely pure (semi-pure) function, and obtain the Stokes theorem and the residue theorem of the all-pure differential. On this basis, we define the differential form. Later we studied the singularity of the plane algebraic curve to define the k-emphasis. The concept of factors and divergence factors are then defined. At the same time, we understand the genus formula and its significance. Based on the concept of factor-pure differential, we have made some necessary explanations and definitions to pave the way for the narrative and proof of Riemann-Roche theorem. Finally, we successfully describe the Riemann-Roche theorem and complete the proof under the conditions of Riemann's spherical surface.

\vskip 0.8cm \noindent{\rm Key Words:\ Riemann surface,\ Complex analysis,\ Abstract algebra,\ geometry}









%东~南~大~学~毕~业~设~计~报~告}\hspace{0.5cm}{\bf 第一章 \qquad 引言}

% \hspace{1cm}}}}}

% {\protect \scriptsize{

% \underline{\underline{\hspace{1cm}{\bf 东~南~大~学~毕~业~设~计~报~告}\hspace{7cm}{\songti

% 第一章 \qquad 引言 }\hspace{1.5cm}}}}}

\chapter{前言 }

\s0 \vskip 3mm













%东~南~大~学~毕~业~设~计~报~告}\hspace{0.5cm}{\bf 第二章 \qquad 阈值$u$确定方法的讨论}\hspace{2.5cm}}}}}{\protect \scriptsize{

% \underline{\underline{\hspace{0.5cm}{\bf 东~南~大~学~毕~业~设~计~报~告}\hspace{4cm}{\songti

%第二章 \qquad 阈值$u$确定方法的讨论 }\hspace{2cm}}}}}



\chapter{波恩哈德·黎曼 }


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