
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

1、绪论 1

1.1 排课问题概述及研究意义 1

1.2 排课问题的国内外研究背景 1

2、排课问题建模 2

2.1 排课问题的目标分析 2

2.11 排课问题的因素 2

2.12 排课问题的约束条件 2

2.13 排课问题的求解目标 3

2.2 排课问题的数学模型 3

2.22 排课问题的约束条件 4

2.23 排课问题的求解数学模型 5

3、排课问题的算法理论 5

3.1 遗传算法简介 5

3.11 遗传算法的研究背景 5

3.12 遗传算法的基本思想和步骤 6

4、基于遗传算法的排课方案 7

4.1 基因编码规则 7

4.2 初始化种群 8

4.3 适应度函数 8

4.4 选择操作 9

4.5 交叉操作 10

4.6 变异操作 10

4.7 课表解码 10

4.8 排课问题的实现与验证 10

4.81 遗传参数的确定 10

4.82 排课规模 11

4.83 实例验证结果 11

5、总结 15

致谢 16

参考文献 17

附录 18




Abstract: Due to the growing scale of colleges and universities, the difficulty of arranging classes is greatly increased. Nowadays, the problem of arranging classes has become a prerequisite for efficient management of daily teaching affairs in colleges and universities. Only when an effective curriculum is determined, all departments of the university can carry out teaching activities in an orderly manner, but at the same time, it also requires a lot of manpower and material resources to allocate resources, that is, how to effectively solve courses, classrooms and Pairing relationships between classrooms. At this time manual scheduling not only consumes time and energy, but also difficult to get high-quality results, so the use of computers to intelligently arrange classes has become the primary choice of colleges and universities. Actually, computer intelligence algorithms first originated in the 1950s, and various solutions have emerged.

The genetic algorithm applied in this paper is a random search method based on the concept of biological evolution of Darwin's survival of the fittest, which is characterized by high degree of concurrent behavior. This article will study the correspondence between the genetic algorithm and the queuing problem factors, apply the principle to establish a scheduling model, and use examples to verify, mainly discussed the following aspects:

(1) A brief introduction to the research background and significance of the arranging problem, and specifically listed the factors involved in the problem, the constraints to be satisfied and the solution objectives;

(2) Using 0-1 integer programming and quantifying constraints to establish a multi-objective combinatorial optimization mathematical model for class scheduling problems;

(3) Briefly introduce the basic idea and basic operation of genetic algorithm, and carry out the specific operation analysis of the mathematical model in (2) corresponding to the genetic algorithm, and establish a solution model that is suitable for the problem.

Keywords: Timetable problem, multi-constraint combinatorial optimization, genetic algorithm


1.1 排课问题概述及研究意义



1.2 排课问题的国内外研究背景



课表问题始终是国内外学者研究的焦点,20世纪90年代起,加拿大Montreal大学的Jacques A.Ferland[17]等人开始将排课问题转化两个字问题求解,即时间表和分组; Kirkpatrick[17]等人则在1983年首次提出了模拟退火的求解方法[21][22],此后一大批学者随之效仿,不断引进了新的求解方式。





2.1 排课问题的目标分析

2.11 排课问题的因素




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